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Monday, 22 May 2017 07:28

ProStart I/II (11-12)

The ProStart® is a program of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation that introduces students to career opportunities in the restaurant and foodservice industry and provides them with foundational skills in culinary arts and restaurant management that will jump-start their post-secondary experience, in college and/or careers.

Students will be trained for career opportunities in the food service/culinary arts industry. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice safety and sanitation procedures, and to use and maintain commercial food service equipment. They will perform quantity food preparation as it relates to catering, bakery, restaurant, hospitality, and fast food business operations. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. Student leadership and competitive events (FCCLA) may be integrated into this course.

*Bonneville’s ProStart Culinary and Management teams were invited to the annual Utah Restaurant Association Awards Gala. It took place at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City. There they watched by the best restaurants chefs from around state. The Pro Start Culinary team won 3rd Place in Regionals. The Management team, won 2nd place in state. This students are well deserving for this honor. 


Monday, 22 May 2017 07:26

Animal Science II (11-12)

Students will develop knowledge and skills in a wide range of animal agriculture principles, including anatomy and physiology, health maintenance, waste disposal, and facilities. The efficient production and effective management of selected animal enterprises are covered, including beef and dairy cattle, swine, sheep and goats, poultry, and equine. Practices in veterinary medicine and those associated with small animal care are included.


Mr. Selman @ Fremont High  with his Animal Science students at the WSD Agriculture Facility processing lambs…Giving shots, tagging, collecting data, etc.…




Monday, 22 May 2017 07:22

Animal Science I (9-12)

Students will develop knowledge and skills in a wide range of scientific principles, including genetics, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, disease, pests, and management practices. The scientific processes of observation, measurement, hypothesizing, data gathering, interpretation, analysis, and application are included. Career opportunities and educational preparation are examined. Learning activities are varied, with classroom, laboratory, and field experiences emphasized.


Mr. Selman @ Fremont High  with his Animal Science students at the WSD Agriculture Facility processing lambs…Giving shots, tagging, collecting data, etc.…





Tuesday, 14 March 2017 14:06

Preschool Programs

Written by Super User

 WSD Preschool - Available at multiple locations - Must be 4 by Sept. 1 - Free to Eligible Students - WSD Preschool Office - 251 E. 4800 S. Ogden, UT 84405 - 801-452-4935


***IMPORTANT UPDATE 8/16/2024***

  • Due to the volume of applications received, any applications submitted after August 9th will be delayed in processing.
  • For applications submitted August 10th or later, you can expect to wait up to 4 weeks before your application is processed.
  • A member of the preschool team will reach out to eligible families to notify you of acceptance; please do not leave mutliple messages or emails inquiring about application status as we will respond when your application is processed. Completed applications are processed in the order received and incomplete applications may cause additional delays. Thank you for your patience!
  • If preschool spots are filled at the time your application is processed (through September or later), eligible students will be placed on a waiting list for any available spots that open throughout the school year. 



  • Debido al volumen de solicitudes recibidas, cualquier solicitud enviada después del 9 de agosto tendrá un retraso en su procesamiento.
  • Para las solicitudes enviadas el 10 de agosto o después, puede esperar hasta 4 semanas antes de que se procese su solicitud.
  • Un miembro del equipo de preescolar se comunicará con las familias elegibles para notificarles sobre la aceptación; No deje múltiples mensajes o correos electrónicos preguntando sobre el estado de la solicitud, ya que le responderemos cuando se procese su solicitud. Las solicitudes completadas se procesan en el orden en que se reciben y las solicitudes incompletas pueden causar retrasos adicionales. ¡Gracias por tu paciencia!
  • Si los ocupos de preescolar están ocupadas en el momento en que se procesa su solicitud (hasta septiembre o después), los estudiantes elegibles serán colocados en una lista de espera para cualquier plaza disponible que se abra durante el año escolar.



Application Process for Preschool (School Readiness Grant) 

We are now accepting applications for Fall Preschool 2024-2025! You may download or print the application attached to the bottom of this page.  It is available in English and Spanish.   Applications are accepted through email, in person or mail.  Specific information is available on the front page of the application.  Please read carefully!

The number of students we can enroll may vary and our school locations may change; These decisions are not finalized until early August.  Applications are not processed until ALL documentation has been provided.  You will be notified by mail or email as soon as classes are completed. We encourage you to apply early as spots do fill quickly.

In order to facilitate the application process, office staff will be available to help fill out applications and make copies of required documents (i.e., birth certificates, vaccine records, etc).  Staff will be available from May 13th - May 16th 2024 from 9am-1pm in the Bonneville Preschool Office located UPSTAIRS in the Bonneville Preschool Building (251 E. 4800 S., Ogden UT 84405).

If you have any questions about the school readiness (grant) preschool or upcoming preschool registration for 2024-2025, please contact:

Tara Keyes at 801-452-4940 (Se habla Español), or by email:  

Amanda King at 801-452-4946, or by email:


Proceso de Solicitud para Preescolar (Beca de Preparación Escolar)

¡Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes para el preescolar de otoño 2024-2025 del Distrito Escolar Weber! Puede descargar o imprimir la solicitud. Puede encontrar la solicitud adjunta al final de esta página. Está disponible en inglés y español. Las solicitudes se aceptan por correo electrónico, en persona o por correo. La información específica está disponible en la página principal de la solicitud. ¡Por favor lea cuidadosamente!

La cantidad de estudiantes que podemos inscribir puede variar y la ubicación de nuestras escuelas puede cambiar; Estas decisiones no se adoptan hasta principios de agosto. Las solicitudes no se procesan hasta que se haya proporcionado TODA la documentación. Se le notificará por correo o correo electrónico tan pronto como se completen las clases. Le recomendamos que presente su solicitud con anticipación ya que los lugares se llenan rápidamente.

El personal de la oficina estará disponible para responder preguntas, ayudar a completar solicitudes y hacer copias de los documentos requeridos (es decir, certificados de nacimiento, registros de vacunas, etc.) si es necesario. El personal estará disponible del 13 al 16 de mayo de 2024 de 9 a. m. a 1 p. m. en la oficina del preescolar de Bonneville ubicada ARRIBA en el edificio del preescolar de Bonneville (251 E. 4800 S., Ogden UT 84405).

Si no puede asistir durante este tiempo y aún tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con:

Tara Keyes al 801-452-4940 (Se habla español), o por correo electrónico:


Eligibility for Enrollment in the Preschool (School Readiness Grant)

  • 4-years-old by September 1 of school calendar year.
  • Priority for enrollment in the program will be based on several factors, including (but not limited to) residency in the local school boundaries, qualifications for School Readiness funding (income level), and the risk factors from the application form. 
  • Continuous enrollment will be based on attendance requirements of the program; attendance is critical to keeping your enrollment!
  • Register for Waterford Upstart (more information found in the application).
  • At this time, there is no "self-pay" option.

Elegibilidad para la inscripción en el preescolar (beca de preparación escolar)

  • 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre del año calendario escolar.
  • La prioridad de inscripción en el programa se basará en varios factores, incluidos (entre otros) la residencia en los límites de la escuela local, las calificaciones para recibir fondos de preparación escolar (nivel de ingresos) y los factores de riesgo del formulario de solicitud.
  • La inscripción continua se basará en los requisitos de asistencia del programa; ¡La asistencia es fundamental para mantener su inscripción!
  • Regístrese en Waterford Upstart (más información se encuentra en la solicitud).
  • En este momento, no existe la opción de pago por cuenta propia.

2023-2024 Tentative Locations for School Readiness Preschool (subject to change) / 2023-2024 Ubicaciones provisionales para el preescolar de preparación escolar (sujeto a cambios)

  • Bonneville Preschool
  • Lakeview Elementary
  • Lomond View Elementary
  • Majestic Elementary
  • Midland Elementary
  • North Park Elementary
  • Orchard Springs Elementary
  • Plain City Elementary
  • Roy Elementary

 Sessions for Preschool

  • 3 days a week: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
  • AM: 8:35 – 11:20
  • PM: 12:15 – 3:00
  • August 28, 2023 – May 16, 2024 (Classes begin the first full week of school and end one week prior to the last day of school)

Sesiones para preescolar

  • 3 días a la semana: lunes, martes y jueves
  • AM: 8:35 – 11:20
  • PM: 12:15 – 3:00
  • 28 de agosto de 2023 – 16 de mayo de 2024 (las clases comienzan la primera semana completa de clases y terminan una semana antes del último día de clases)

Tuition for Preschool

  • School Readiness Program eligible students – FREE (based on income, risk factors, and/or language learner status.) 
  • Once all available places are filled, eligible students will be placed on a waitlist for any openings.

Matrícula para preescolar

  • Estudiantes elegibles para el Programa de Preparación Escolar: GRATIS (según los ingresos, los factores de riesgo y/o el idoma del hogar).
  • Una vez que se cubran todos los lugares disponibles, los estudiantes elegibles serán colocados en una lista de espera para cualquier vacante.


Special Education Preschool Information

If you are concerned about your child's development, please visit the WSD Special Education page: 

or contact the Special Education Preschool: Cori Orozco at 801-452-4936 or 


Si le preocupa el desarrollo de su hijo, visite la página de Educación Especial de WSD: 

o comuníquese con el Preescolar de Educación Especial: Cori Orozco al 801-452-4936 o 


Additonal Preschool Resources available (FREE) to all children in Utah:


Waterford Banner

All children deserve a strong foundation for learning. is an early education not-for-profit that provides equitable access to proven programs for children and the adults who support them. 

For more than a decade, the Utah State Legislature and have worked together to provide Waterford Upstart—a high-quality, at-home early learning program—at no cost to families with pre-K-aged children. Children who use Waterford Upstart come to school more prepared and have longer lasting academic success!

To register go to

We highly recommend signing up for this free program.  If you have any questions or need help with registration, please contact Amanda King at 801-452-4946 or



CTE teachers and students attend the jr highs to promote CTE course at the high school level.  This help the 9th grade student in deciding which courses to choose for high school that meet their interest in a career pathway.








Tuesday, 31 January 2017 15:01

ProStart I (11-12)

The ProStart® I is a program of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation that introduces students to career opportunities in the restaurant and foodservice industry and provides them with foundational skills in culinary arts and restaurant management that will jump-start their post-secondary experience, in college and/or careers. In Utah, FCCLA may complement this course.




Ms. Morgan’s Pro Start class at Bonneville are  having a “SOUPER BOWL”.  Students are learning the art of making soups.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017 14:59

Our female Robotics team!


Our female Robotics team involved in “Project Lead the Way” (WSD Engineering Pathway),at The Weber Innovation Center. They are now qualified and registered for the state tournament on March 4th in Farmington. These girls have done an excellent job!

Friday, 27 January 2017 07:57

Updated Timeline For Educator Evaluations

Evaluation System 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
USOE PEER Advisory Committee District evaluation plans
approved in May
Districts send updated report on to USOE in May for approval Districts pilot local evaluation systems and provide updates in spring of 2015 USOE begins accountability audits in selected districts
Observation Tools Teaching and Leadership Year 1 observation
measurement tools pilot in
16 districts
Year 2 observation tools pilot in 38 user group districts (teaching and leadership); other districts piloting observation tools based on UETS and UELS

Full implementation of observation tools aligned with UETS and UELS

Pilot electronic platforms selected by districts

Full district implementation of professional performance component

Electronic platforms in place

Student Growth

Student Growth Workgroup
recommendations finalized

SAGE adopted

USOE begins to develop
statewide example SLOs
(SS, Fine Arts, Special
Education, CTE)

USOE conducts pilot study of SLOs in volunteer districts

SAGE Year 1 test data

USOE continues to develop statewide example SLOs (Early Childhood, PE, Health, K-3 Science)

Statewide pilot of SLOs Statewide pilot of SGPs

SAGE Year 2 implementation year

Districts begin SLO development plan using example SLOs and USOE SLO Toolkit

Full district implementation of student growth component: SGPs for tested subjects and grades and SLOs for non-tested subjects and grades
Surveys for Stakeholder Input Year 1 pilot of survey
questions (Utah Education
Policy Center)
(teachers, parents, students)

Year 2 Pilot of survey items (Utah Education Policy Center)

USOE creates rubric for scoring educator response to survey feedback for effectiveness

Districts decide survey(s) to use and then pilot in local schools Full district implementation of stakeholder Input component
Weighting of Evaluation Components   USOE works with consultants to formulate study of determining weights of three components USOE pilots statewide to determine weights of three components using district data Utah State Board evaluates the component weights selected to determine final weighting
Rater-reliability and Calibration   Online resources created and distributed to districts to ensure rater-reliability of teaching and leadership observations USOE rater-reliability certification process with master-coded exemplars in place and professional development provided in districts

USOE reliability certification pilot conducted in districts

Observer certification required

Professional Development Professional development
(PD) for districts piloting observation tools for
teaching and leadership

USOE and districts provide PD for instructional effectiveness using UETS

PD on Leadership and role of administrator in improving teacher performance

USOE and districts continue PD on following:

  • Reliability
  • Instructional effectiveness
  • Leadership effectiveness
  • Observations
  • SLOs
USOE and districts continue PD as needed

**2016-2017 school year includes performance pay for principals as outlined in SB101-2014 | USOE:March 25,2014

Tuesday, 24 January 2017 15:59

Nurses Resources

Written by Super User

Nurses Resources

Documents and FormsDocuments and Forms

Air QualityAir Quality

1Air Quality Recess guidelinesAir Quality Recess guidelines160.46 KB2775 times
2Air Quality ProceduresAir Quality Procedures73.95 KB2575 times
3Air Quality FAQsAir Quality FAQs123.61 KB2727 times

Asthma Training FormsAsthma Training Forms

1Side by Side MDI Transition Guide with PicSide by Side MDI Transition Guide with Pic1.3 MB1969 times
2Asthma QuestionnaireAsthma Questionnaire207.74 KB737 times
3Asthma Inhaler ChecklistAsthma Inhaler Checklist104.18 KB1703 times

Bite FormsBite Forms

1Nursing Protocol for Human Bite Incident at SchoolNursing Protocol for Human Bite Incident at School434.58 KB2969 times
2Human Bite Parent NotificationHuman Bite Parent Notification148.55 KB1823 times

Field Trip FormsField Trip Forms

1Medication Procedures for FieldtripsMedication Procedures for Fieldtrips54.23 KB1675 times
2Field Trip Medication WorksheetField Trip Medication Worksheet32.84 KB1828 times

Head Injury FormsHead Injury Forms

Head LiceHead Lice

Vision FormsVision Forms

1Vision Symptoms QuestionnaireVision Symptoms Questionnaire880.5 KB1705 times
2Vision Screening Opt Out FormVision Screening Opt Out Form143.68 KB1624 times
3Vision Referral Form SpanishVision Referral Form Spanish88.42 KB620 times
4Vision Referral  FormVision Referral Form893.78 KB1869 times
5Utah School Vision Screening Policy 2023Utah School Vision Screening Policy 20231.39 MB2936 times



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