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Friday, 28 October 2016 10:42

Building Rental Fee Schedule

Table of Rental Charges

July 2019 

A 20% non-refundable deposit is required when “Users Agreement” is approved by school administration




Auditorium/Multi-Purpose Room



     High School



     Junior High School



     Elementary School



Sound Lights/Audio Visual

$35.00/hr. (Tech Crew salaries plus any and all applicable retirement and taxes)

$50.00/hr. (Tech Crew salaries plus any and all applicable retirement and taxes)




     High School

$80.00/hr. (Large)

$50.00/hr. (Small)


     Junior High School



     Elementary School



Dining Area/Commons



     High School



     Junior High School



     Elementary School




$50.00/hr. plus salary for kitchen manager to include any and all applicable retirement and taxes

$150.00/hr. + 5% plus salary for kitchen manager

Classroom/Conference Room



 Dance, Choral, Band, Small Theatre



     High School



     Junior High School



Additional Custodial Service

When work is required outside contract time, custodial service will be paid time and a half, plus any and all applicable retirement and taxes

When work is required outside contract time, custodial service will be paid time and a half, plus any and all applicable retirement and taxes


Environmental Center

Weber County Organization Prefered. Custodial and Kitchen USe included in the daily rate.

$400.00 per day

Summer Hours: (8:30 AM to 8:30 PM)

Winter Hours: (8:30 AM to 6:00 PM)

Note: If kitchen service is needed please call 801-476-7845. If using the kitchen area, use is at your own risk.


ia Center



Athletic Field/Play Field

Available to all residents of community for unorganized recreational activity at all reasonable time except when school is in normal session or is otherwise being used for school activities.


$250.00/hr. + $5% of Gate


  • Non-commercial school districts and businesses
    • $400.00 per day. If using the kitchen area, use is at your own risk.
  • Commercial businesses
    • Not available for commercial use. (Superintendent approval needed)
  • Rental Hours
    • Spring, Summer and Fall hours: 8:30 8:30 p.m.
    • Winter hours: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Additional Charges
Friday, 28 October 2016 10:31

Building Rental Policy

Rules Governing use of Facilities

1.  Purpose and Philosophy

To provide opportunities for citizens to participate in educational and recreational activities through the establishment of a facilities rental fee schedule and procedures. 

2.  Policy

  1. All District buildings and grounds are by law civic centers and may be used by District residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings.  Athletic fields/playfields are available to all residents of the community for unorganized recreational activity at all reasonable times except when school is in normal session or is otherwise being used for school activities.
  2. No use shall be made of District property which is in conflict with any city, county or state ordinance, statute or law, or which is in conflict with any of the rules and regulations of the Board of Education.
  3. The school administrator will charge reasonable fees as outlined in this policy so the District incurs no expense for civic center use.
  4. The school administrator shall allow use as a civic center unless it is determined that the use interferes with a school function or purpose.
  5. All civic center use, commercial rentals, and school or District use which occurs after school hours shall be scheduled through the school administrator.
  6. Rental of school facilities will be under the jurisdiction of the Executive Director of Facilities and Operations.  Any questions, cases or situations, which are not covered in this policy, shall be referred by the school administrator to him/her.
  7. The permit and use agreement shall not be assigned or sublet in whole or in part by the renter.
  8. No facility (with the exception of the Environmental Center) shall be rented for overnight use.

3. Type of Use


PTA/PTOs and other District schools or departments shall be granted use of facilities for school related activities so long as the activity does not disrupt the functions of the hosting school and the visiting entity or school reimburses any costs incurred by the hosting school.  School clubs, teams or programs which sponsor or host commercial entities in utilizing school facilities are subject to the commercial use fees outlined in this policy.  Merely allowing a school club, team or program to access an activity or provide concessions at an activity does not qualify the activity as a school or district sponsored program.


Interlocal Agreements negotiated by the superintendent or his/her designee supersede this policy.  Any use by a city or county for programs or activities beyond those outlined in the applicable Interlocal Agreements are subject to the non-profit rates.


Charitable and non-profit rates apply to community organizations such as service clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, United Way, church groups, cities and counties, public colleges and universities.  Those wishing to rent facilities under category must provide evidence of their non-profit status.


The District shall make all meeting facilities in buildings under its control available to registered political parties, without discrimination to be used for political party activities, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in Utah Code Ann. § 20A-8-404.


Commercial rates apply to an organization or individual whose motive is to make a profit.  These include, but are not limited to events for which admission is charged, items sold, or paid instruction for students.

4.  Procedures

a) The school administrator shall charge for the use of facilities as outlined in the Rental Fee Schedules.  A 20% non-refundable deposit is required when “Users Agreement” is approved by school administration.

b) The school administrator shall complete a copy of the Application and Use Agreement and obtain the signature of the lessee prior to the date of the rental.

c) Collection for rental is the responsibility of the school administrator.  All monies shall be paid to the school and accounted for in a building rental account to be used by the school. 

d) All rental time shall be computed from the time of requested opening to closing of the doors.  Persons lingering in the building shall be the responsibility of the lessee and closing time shall be the time when all persons associated with the rental have left the building.  The fee will be adjusted for additional time.

e) At the completion of the activity, the school representative will document any damage to school property caused by the applicant groups.  Charges for damages and any infractions of rules and exceptions to the agreement, such as running overtime, will be applied to the rental fee.  Where long-term agreements are in effect, the school representative will file reports of any damage or exceptions to the agreement as soon as they occur.

f) Equipment, keys, and property shall not be loaned or removed from the building.

g) Laboratory facilities such as computer labs, tech labs, wood/metal shops, foods labs, science labs and art labs shall not be rented.

h) The assigned supervisor is responsible for oversight of the building and facilities during the rental period.

  • Buildings may not be left without such supervision while occupied.
  • In addition to the building supervision provided by the school, all rental groups must provide adult supervision (21 years of age or older) to maintain order and prevent damage or loss of school property.

i) The school administrator shall require commercial users renting a District facility to provide a Certificate of Insurance for liability and property damage before the event.  The Certificate shall be for one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence.

j) A proper Indemnity Agreement will be signed as detailed in Form A of the contract.

k) Nonprofit entities and non-commercial users (which include individuals and community groups) receiving approval to use school facilities as a civic center in accordance with this policy are not required to provide evidence of liability insurance indemnifying the District.  Approved non-commercial use is a “Permit” under Utah Civic Center statutes at Utah Code Ann. § 53A-3-413 to 414 and grants the District full legal immunity under the Governmental Immunity Act of Utah pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 63G-7-301.

l) The lessee is subject to adherence to the standards of behavior of the school and Utah State Law.

  • The right to revoke a permit at any time is reserved by the school authorities.
  • Whenever the Board of Education deems it unadvisable to permit the use of school buildings or facilities for the purpose requested, it may refuse said use.

m) Additional charges apply for access to or use of school equipment (spot lights, computers, DVD and televisions, microphones, projectors, etc.) and supplies used by the lessee.

n) Gymnasiums shall be rented only where adequate protection of the gym floor is assured by the lessee.  Renters shall pay for any damage caused to the gym, equipment or floor.

5.  Fee Schedules

The Rental Fee Schedules shall be established by the Board of Education of Weber School District (Board) and are subject to periodic review.  Users will be charged according to the Rental Fee Schedules applicable to the lessee’s rental status.

a) Personnel

The school administrator, in conjunction with the head custodian, is responsible for determining the number and type of personnel required for a particular activity in compliance with this policy.

  • At least one custodian is required if one is not on duty.  Custodial services required for rentals cannot require the on duty custodian to be removed from regularly assigned responsibilities.  If custodial services are required beyond those as scheduled to be performed by the custodial staff at that facility, costs must be charged to the lessee.
  • Premises are made available with the understanding that “tipping” of custodial or other personnel is not permitted.
  • General supervision/security, beyond the custodian on duty, is required if the school administrator determines the rental activity requires such.  General supervision of the facility may be assigned to a custodian, teacher, administrator or other qualified staff member.
  • At least one stage technician is required for rental of the auditorium.
  • At least one member of the school lunch staff is required for rental of the kitchen. 
  • For activities which School Resource Officers (SROs) or other police officers are employed for which cities will eventually bill the District, the renter will be charged the actual wages as invoiced by the city.
  • Payment of wages for personnel providing supervision or other services in support of building rental shall be paid through the District payroll procedures in compliance with the applicable negotiated agreement.
  • Payment for services rendered to the organization using the facilities by persons who are not regular employees of the school district must be made directly to the individual with whom such arrangements were made.

6. Other Applicable State Laws, Rules and Regulations

a) Smoking, including E-cigarettes, shall be prohibited in school building and facilities.

b) There shall be no alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs of any kind brought to or consumed in the building or on the grounds.

7. Environmental Center Use

a) The Environmental Center is available to all organizations for rent according to the Environmental Center Fee Schedule.

b) Weber School District programs will be given first priority in scheduling of the Environmental Center. 

c) Weber School District does not discriminate in granting use of the Environmental Center on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability.



“Civic Center” means a public school building or ground that is established and maintained as a limited public forum to district residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings.


Utah Code Ann. §10A-8-404 – Utah of public meeting buildings by political parties.

Utah Code Ann. §53A-3-413 and 414 – Use of public school buildings and grounds as civic centers.

Utah Code Ann. §63G-7-301 – Waivers of immunity


Permit and Use Agreement (available through the school administrator)

Friday, 28 October 2016 10:24

Staff Directory

Friday, 28 October 2016 10:19

Facilities and Operations

Larry Hadley Executive Director Of Facilities and Operations (801) 476-3903

Larry Hadley

Executive Director Of Facilities and Operations

(801) 476-3903

Brian Anderson Assistant Director Of Facilities and Operations (801) 476-3904

Brian Anderson

Assistant Director Of Facilities and Operations

(801) 476-3904

Kerri Butler Facilities and Operations Administrative Assistant (801) 476-3901

Kerri Butler

Facilities and Operations Administrative Assistant

(801) 476-3901

Facilities and Operations is the administrative umbrella organization responsible for the management of seven distinct facilities oriented operations. Together, they fulfill the district's mission to create, maintain and enhance the educational environment of Weber School District and help foster academic excellence. 

The Facilities and Operations Department, which numbers over 250 staff members, is responsible for the maintenance services of all Weber School District buildings and grounds. This group includes maintenance, custodial services, transportation, warehousing, energy management, land acquisition and construction.

Facilities & OperationsFacilities & Operations

1Building Rental 2023-24Building Rental 2023-24220.07 KB368 times
Friday, 28 October 2016 10:04

Food Allergies in School

Weber School District recognizes that the number of students with food allergies has been steadily increasing. Common food allergies include milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, peanuts and tree nuts such as pine nuts, pecans, and Brazil nuts.

As a district it is our goal to create a safe environment for students who have food allergies by developing model guidelines to be followed throughout the entire school, including classrooms, cafeterias, computer labs and school playgrounds. Family and Consumer Science (FACS) teachers in the secondary schools will take reasonable precautions when food is prepared in classes where students with allergies are present. The district’s goal is to help your child feel comfortable and safe in the school setting while learning how to manage their own food allergy long term. Students and classmates will have the knowledge to assist in monitoring situations.

Model Guidelines

  • Parents should notify teachers, administrators and/or school nurses during enrollment that their child has food allergies.
  • Parents should be involved in developing a class plan for dealing with food allergies. All parents and classmates need to be aware of what foods to avoid.
  • Parents should provide a list of foods the student should avoid and how to identify them on food labels.
  • Parents should provide non-perishable “safe snacks” for their student.
  • At home and school avoid cross-contamination; be sure that all students wash their hands before and after eating.
  • Desktops and tables should be washed after eating in the classroom.
  • Students may be assigned a specific desk or computer that can be sanitized before use.
  • Keep information about each food-allergic student in the roster by name so substitute teachers will be aware.
  • Know the symptoms of a student’s allergic reaction and know and follow the protocol for emergency response.
  • Listen to all complaints from the student and take them seriously.
  • Teachers need to take more precautions during field trips. Educate all chaperones on what foods must be avoided, explain the symptoms of an allergic reaction and inform about necessary medications.
  • Know the number and location of the nearest hospital.
  • Carry a cell phone and let all staff members know where it is kept.
  • Designate a staff member to check the safety of food served to the student.

Specific Cafeteria Practices for Students Allergic to Peanuts

In a severe case, a “peanut–free” table could be made available in the cafeteria. Hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes could be available for student use before and after eating.

Medical Exceptions

Substitutions must be made in the meal pattern if individual participating children are unable to eat school meals because of their disabilities, when that need is certified by a licensed physician. The physician's statement must identify:

  • The child's disability.
  • An explanation of why the disability restricts the child's diet. 
  • The major life activity affected by the disability. 
  • The food or foods to be omitted from the child's diet, and the food or choice of foods that must be substituted.

Medical food request forms are available in all school kitchens. They need to be on file in the main office and the unit manager’s office in the kitchen.

Menus can be planned to accommodate your student’s medical and food allergy requirements.  

Friday, 28 October 2016 09:58


Weber School District Child Nutrition Program is experiencing supply chain interruptions due to the limited product availability, nationwide transportation challenges, and supplier's labor shortages.   
Menus are likely to change during this time.  However, ALL registered students will continue to be offered free meals that meet our nutrition standards and requirements.  
We thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we navigate through these challenges.  Please contact the Child Nutrition Department at 801-476-7838 if you have any questions or concerns regarding our menus.
Thank you for allowing us to feed our children.  We appreciate your support.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Child NutritionChild Nutrition

1Unpaid Meal Charges Procedure - SpanishUnpaid Meal Charges Procedure - Spanish205.5 KB2470 times
2Unpaid Meal Charges ProcedureUnpaid Meal Charges Procedure167.77 KB2977 times
3Special Mean Request Form SY22 - SpanishSpecial Mean Request Form SY22 - Spanish205.5 KB561 times
4Special Mean Request Form SY22Special Mean Request Form SY22207.61 KB655 times
5Special Meal ProcedureSpecial Meal Procedure206.73 KB1459 times
6Meal Prices 2023-2024Meal Prices 2023-2024330.11 KB599 times

Free and Reduced

Free & Reduced LunchFree & Reduced Lunch


Friday, 28 October 2016 09:50

Staff Directory

Brown, Nancy

Child Nutrition Coordinator

CHILD NUTRITION (801) 476-7833

Parr, Candace

Child Nutrition Supervisor

CHILD NUTRITION (801) 476-7845

Raynor, Clenor

Nutrition Service Worker Ii

CHILD NUTRITION (801) 476-7800

Walton, Genina

Child Nutrition Coordinator

CHILD NUTRITION (801) 476-7836

Widdison, Deann

Accounts Payable Administrative Assistant

CHILD NUTRITION (801) 476-7838

Wilson, Traci

Chnt Unit Manager Intern

CHILD NUTRITION (801) 476-7800

Friday, 28 October 2016 08:49

Child Nutrition

Candace Parr Child Nutrition Supervisor (801) 476-7845

Candace Parr

Child Nutrition Supervisor

(801) 476-7845

Deann Widdison Accounts Payable Administrative Assistant (801) 476-7838

Deann Widdison

Accounts Payable Administrative Assistant

(801) 476-7838



Open from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.


Please visit us at our office

955 W 12th St,
Ogden, UT 84404

Our Mission

We are committed to feeding students of Weber School District high quality, fun, fresh, exciting foods that will help propel children in their studies.

We strive to have an environment that encourages high expectations for success, an atmosphere of cooperation with respect for individual differences and community. We aim to stand behind every plate of food, breaking the mold and throwing the stigmatism of school lunch out the door to usher in refined passion for food.

Check our meal prices

Payment Options

Pay Online

Pay for your student's lunch online with your credit card. The service is easy to use, convenient, private and secure. You will need to open a PowerSchool Account. After you log in look for the Pay Fees link on the right hand side of the screen.

Login to PowerSchool

Pay By Check

Make check payable to (School Name) and bring the check to the Food Service Manager's Office. A local address and phone number are required to be either printed or handwritten on the check. The student(s) full name and grade are required on the check memo line.

Pay With Cash

Cash may be brought to the Food Service Manager's office for deposit on the student's account, or students may pay cash daily through the serving line.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) Mail U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Ave, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410: (2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) Email: . This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Friday, 28 October 2016 08:19

Title III English Learners (ELS)


Resources for Educators

Training Videos

  • Exiting and Monitoring Students
  • Refusal of Services
  • Red Folder
  • Teacher Guide
  • Using Propio to Facilitate Communication

Identification of ELs & Parent Notification

Parent Notification Letters

Assessments for English Learners (ELs)

      WIDA Screener for Kindergarten

      Access for ELLs 2.0

      Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs

      Alternate Access for ELLs

Website Links

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