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Roy Jr High- Ms.Gill  FCCLA members and her Outdoor Sewing class made over 50 beanies for Lakeview Elementary students.  Ms. Gill and her students walked to Lakeview and presented the beanies to the counselor and administration for them  to give out to those in need.  

Group of students showing a tote filled with beanies they made. Two students show a tote filled with beanies they helped make.

Friday, 10 January 2020 13:11

Roy Jr High students made of 50 Beanies

Ms.Gill's FCCLA members and her Outdoor Sewing class made over 50 beanies for Lakeview Elementary students. Ms. Gill and her students walked to Lakeview and presented the beanies to the counselor and administration for them to give out to those in need.

Friday, 10 January 2020 11:36

Hosa Feeds 44 Families

HOSA would like to thank everyone who was involved in the Thanksgiving Food Drive!! Thank you to Mr. Porter, Mr. McKinnon, Ms. Cude for helping collect donations! Thank you to our South Ogden Fresh Market and Macey's for allowing us to gather donations at their stores. Thank you to Julie Mattson and our counselors: Mrs. Davis, Ms. Fonseca, Mr. Hancock, Mr. Marcheschi!! Thank you to everyone who submitted names of families! Thank you to all the HOSA members, MAP students, FBLA, Anchor news, student body, and faculty members who helped sort, organize, and separate the food into all the food boxes. This was a 2 week event, and we had a LOT of support!! Collectively, BHS and HOSA were able to provide 44 families within the Bonneville High School community with a Thanksgiving meal last week!! THANK YOU!

BHS Students advertise for fill the backpack event

Photo showing a room full of tables filled with donated food items

Friday, 10 January 2020 11:29

Roy High Construction Management Class

Habitat for humanity house.  Roy High Construction Management class helped prepare the foundation for a habitat home on November 9, 2019.  They provided approximately 30 hours of service of lowering the grade for the footings. They worked hard and gave back to the community.  It is great to see students of Roy High willing to give of their Saturday and work hard to help others in need. Go Royals.

Students push wheelbarrow at job site

Friday, 10 January 2020 09:16

CTE Coordinators

Becky SagersBecky Sagers

Roy High CTE Coordinator

CTE Coordinator at Roy High school in Weber School District.

Currently serving as a district program coordinator for the K-12 Education and Training, Family and Consumer Science, Health Science, and College and Career Awareness programs.  


Becky has a B.S. degree in Family and Consumer Science (FACS) Education from Brigham Young University, a M.A. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and is pursuing a M.S. Ed. in Educational Administration. She has taught Technology, Life & Careers, FACS Exploration A & B, Apparel Production and Design, Foods and Nutrition 1 & 2, Food Service, Human Development and ProStart 1 & 2. 

Becky’s  leadership experiences include serving as a FACS department head, a member of the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) FACS advisory committee, new FACS teacher trainer, serving on the board of the  Utah Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Science (UATFACS) and currently serving as a state board member for the career and technical student organization Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). 

Becky has received the Weber School District’s I Love Teaching award and  the Weber District Teacher of the Year award in 2015.


Trevor WardTrevor Ward

Weber High CTE Coordinator
Business and Marketing Specialist

CTE Coordinator at Weber High school in Weber School District.

Trevor is a homegrown product, proud to have been educated by the many great teachers at Roosevelt, T.H. Bell, and Bonneville. He received a Bachelor of Arts Business Composite degree from Southern Utah University and a Master's in Educational Leadership.  Started his career in sunny St. George teaching 7th graders, and then taught Business/Marketing courses at Weber High School.   Coaching football, track, and golf while working with both FBLA and DECA, receiving the State Chapter of the year award in 2018. He has served on the Advisory Committee for the State Board of Education.  Outside of school, Trevor will most likely be found with his wife and two boys playing outside.

Wednesday, 01 January 2020 21:09

January 2020 Superintendency Message

A message from Assistant Superintendent Lori Rasmussen:

"Enter this new year with gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams." ― Avina Celeste  The New Year is always a time of hope and new beginnings. It is a time to reflect on last year and celebrate accomplishments, and a time to look forward to the new year. Many of us set goals or new year resolutions. As I was thinking about this upcoming year, I remembered a book I read, Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller. It is a story about choosing kindness and illustrates the fact that any act of kindness, big or small, makes a difference. As the narrative moves along, it gives many examples of kindness. Kindness could simply be giving, helping, listening, saying thank you, and on and on. With just a simple act of kindness, one person can start a kindness chain!

I have experienced some random acts of kindness that made my soul smile. I was driving to work and coming across the toll road on Adam's Avenue. As I pulled up to pay my fee, I was told that the car in front of me had already paid and wished me a happy day. The toll booth attendant told me that the "kindness chain" had continued for more than 100 cars that day. That simple act of kindness created by one person had made an impact on many. 

As we begin the new year, let's all remember that kindness matters. In today's world, children need to see kindness and civility modeled in their lives. One can never underestimate the impact they have on others. Maybe that one act of kindness will inspire someone to reach their goal, to make their dream come true. Those two little words, "be kind" could truly change the world. Happy New Year! May your year be full of strength, peace, love, happiness, and kindness.

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