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Tuesday, 14 March 2017 14:06

Preschool Programs

 WSD Preschool - Available at multiple locations - Must be 4 by Sept. 1 - Free to Eligible Students - WSD Preschool Office - 251 E. 4800 S. Ogden, UT 84405 - 801-452-4935


***IMPORTANT UPDATE 8/16/2024***

  • Due to the volume of applications received, any applications submitted after August 9th will be delayed in processing.
  • For applications submitted August 10th or later, you can expect to wait up to 4 weeks before your application is processed.
  • A member of the preschool team will reach out to eligible families to notify you of acceptance; please do not leave mutliple messages or emails inquiring about application status as we will respond when your application is processed. Completed applications are processed in the order received and incomplete applications may cause additional delays. Thank you for your patience!
  • If preschool spots are filled at the time your application is processed (through September or later), eligible students will be placed on a waiting list for any available spots that open throughout the school year. 



  • Debido al volumen de solicitudes recibidas, cualquier solicitud enviada después del 9 de agosto tendrá un retraso en su procesamiento.
  • Para las solicitudes enviadas el 10 de agosto o después, puede esperar hasta 4 semanas antes de que se procese su solicitud.
  • Un miembro del equipo de preescolar se comunicará con las familias elegibles para notificarles sobre la aceptación; No deje múltiples mensajes o correos electrónicos preguntando sobre el estado de la solicitud, ya que le responderemos cuando se procese su solicitud. Las solicitudes completadas se procesan en el orden en que se reciben y las solicitudes incompletas pueden causar retrasos adicionales. ¡Gracias por tu paciencia!
  • Si los ocupos de preescolar están ocupadas en el momento en que se procesa su solicitud (hasta septiembre o después), los estudiantes elegibles serán colocados en una lista de espera para cualquier plaza disponible que se abra durante el año escolar.



Application Process for Preschool (School Readiness Grant) 

We are now accepting applications for Fall Preschool 2024-2025! You may download or print the application attached to the bottom of this page.  It is available in English and Spanish.   Applications are accepted through email, in person or mail.  Specific information is available on the front page of the application.  Please read carefully!

The number of students we can enroll may vary and our school locations may change; These decisions are not finalized until early August.  Applications are not processed until ALL documentation has been provided.  You will be notified by mail or email as soon as classes are completed. We encourage you to apply early as spots do fill quickly.

In order to facilitate the application process, office staff will be available to help fill out applications and make copies of required documents (i.e., birth certificates, vaccine records, etc).  Staff will be available from May 13th - May 16th 2024 from 9am-1pm in the Bonneville Preschool Office located UPSTAIRS in the Bonneville Preschool Building (251 E. 4800 S., Ogden UT 84405).

If you have any questions about the school readiness (grant) preschool or upcoming preschool registration for 2024-2025, please contact:

Tara Keyes at 801-452-4940 (Se habla Español), or by email:  

Amanda King at 801-452-4946, or by email:


Proceso de Solicitud para Preescolar (Beca de Preparación Escolar)

¡Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes para el preescolar de otoño 2024-2025 del Distrito Escolar Weber! Puede descargar o imprimir la solicitud. Puede encontrar la solicitud adjunta al final de esta página. Está disponible en inglés y español. Las solicitudes se aceptan por correo electrónico, en persona o por correo. La información específica está disponible en la página principal de la solicitud. ¡Por favor lea cuidadosamente!

La cantidad de estudiantes que podemos inscribir puede variar y la ubicación de nuestras escuelas puede cambiar; Estas decisiones no se adoptan hasta principios de agosto. Las solicitudes no se procesan hasta que se haya proporcionado TODA la documentación. Se le notificará por correo o correo electrónico tan pronto como se completen las clases. Le recomendamos que presente su solicitud con anticipación ya que los lugares se llenan rápidamente.

El personal de la oficina estará disponible para responder preguntas, ayudar a completar solicitudes y hacer copias de los documentos requeridos (es decir, certificados de nacimiento, registros de vacunas, etc.) si es necesario. El personal estará disponible del 13 al 16 de mayo de 2024 de 9 a. m. a 1 p. m. en la oficina del preescolar de Bonneville ubicada ARRIBA en el edificio del preescolar de Bonneville (251 E. 4800 S., Ogden UT 84405).

Si no puede asistir durante este tiempo y aún tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con:

Tara Keyes al 801-452-4940 (Se habla español), o por correo electrónico:


Eligibility for Enrollment in the Preschool (School Readiness Grant)

  • 4-years-old by September 1 of school calendar year.
  • Priority for enrollment in the program will be based on several factors, including (but not limited to) residency in the local school boundaries, qualifications for School Readiness funding (income level), and the risk factors from the application form. 
  • Continuous enrollment will be based on attendance requirements of the program; attendance is critical to keeping your enrollment!
  • Register for Waterford Upstart (more information found in the application).
  • At this time, there is no "self-pay" option.

Elegibilidad para la inscripción en el preescolar (beca de preparación escolar)

  • 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre del año calendario escolar.
  • La prioridad de inscripción en el programa se basará en varios factores, incluidos (entre otros) la residencia en los límites de la escuela local, las calificaciones para recibir fondos de preparación escolar (nivel de ingresos) y los factores de riesgo del formulario de solicitud.
  • La inscripción continua se basará en los requisitos de asistencia del programa; ¡La asistencia es fundamental para mantener su inscripción!
  • Regístrese en Waterford Upstart (más información se encuentra en la solicitud).
  • En este momento, no existe la opción de pago por cuenta propia.

2023-2024 Tentative Locations for School Readiness Preschool (subject to change) / 2023-2024 Ubicaciones provisionales para el preescolar de preparación escolar (sujeto a cambios)

  • Bonneville Preschool
  • Lakeview Elementary
  • Lomond View Elementary
  • Majestic Elementary
  • Midland Elementary
  • North Park Elementary
  • Orchard Springs Elementary
  • Plain City Elementary
  • Roy Elementary

 Sessions for Preschool

  • 3 days a week: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
  • AM: 8:35 – 11:20
  • PM: 12:15 – 3:00
  • August 28, 2023 – May 16, 2024 (Classes begin the first full week of school and end one week prior to the last day of school)

Sesiones para preescolar

  • 3 días a la semana: lunes, martes y jueves
  • AM: 8:35 – 11:20
  • PM: 12:15 – 3:00
  • 28 de agosto de 2023 – 16 de mayo de 2024 (las clases comienzan la primera semana completa de clases y terminan una semana antes del último día de clases)

Tuition for Preschool

  • School Readiness Program eligible students – FREE (based on income, risk factors, and/or language learner status.) 
  • Once all available places are filled, eligible students will be placed on a waitlist for any openings.

Matrícula para preescolar

  • Estudiantes elegibles para el Programa de Preparación Escolar: GRATIS (según los ingresos, los factores de riesgo y/o el idoma del hogar).
  • Una vez que se cubran todos los lugares disponibles, los estudiantes elegibles serán colocados en una lista de espera para cualquier vacante.


Special Education Preschool Information

If you are concerned about your child's development, please visit the WSD Special Education page: 

or contact the Special Education Preschool: Cori Orozco at 801-452-4936 or 


Si le preocupa el desarrollo de su hijo, visite la página de Educación Especial de WSD: 

o comuníquese con el Preescolar de Educación Especial: Cori Orozco al 801-452-4936 o 


Additonal Preschool Resources available (FREE) to all children in Utah:


Waterford Banner

All children deserve a strong foundation for learning. is an early education not-for-profit that provides equitable access to proven programs for children and the adults who support them. 

For more than a decade, the Utah State Legislature and have worked together to provide Waterford Upstart—a high-quality, at-home early learning program—at no cost to families with pre-K-aged children. Children who use Waterford Upstart come to school more prepared and have longer lasting academic success!

To register go to

We highly recommend signing up for this free program.  If you have any questions or need help with registration, please contact Amanda King at 801-452-4946 or



Tuesday, 14 March 2017 00:00

Pi Day

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant -- the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter -- which is approximately 3.14159. Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point. As an irrational and transcendental number, it will continue infinitely without repetition or pattern. While only a handful of digits are needed for typical calculations, Pi's infinite nature makes it a fun challenge to memorize, and to computationally calculate more and more digits.

Thursday, 16 March 2017 00:00

Easy Riser

This alarm clock app for iOS/Android wakes you up early when the weather is bad or when traffic conditions are slowing down your commute. Even if you walk or bike to work, it will calculate the best time to compensate for your unique delays.

This year, the Weber School District received a grant from the State that will allow us to put almost 2000 Chromebooks in the hands of our students. These devices will be going to the language art classes in our secondary schools. With an emphasis on digital learning, we are also using some of the funding to train our teachers as "Google Certified Educators." Using technology such as Google Classroom and G Suite, teachers are able to provide their students with a more enhanced, interactive, learning experience. We greatly appreciate our state legislators for their continued efforts in supporting education and our students!

One student took 1st in Microbiology with a Broadcom Masters award and another student took 2nd in Environmental with a Stockholm Water Prize, Ricoh Sustainability Award, NOAA medal and prize and Broadcom Masters. Three additional students took 3rd place. One in Medical/Health and the other two in Social Behavioral. Way to go Hawks!

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2023-24 Calendar

PDF Calendar 2023-24 Text Only

Calendar 2023-2024


2024-25 Calendar

PDF Calendar 2024-25 Text Only

Calendar 2024-2025