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Tuesday, 17 January 2017 14:04

Adult Roles and Financial Literacy


This course prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of individual and family relationships integrated with general financial literacy. Topics include: decision-making to set and implement financial goals, values, communication skills, self-awareness, families, sources of income and the relationship between income and career preparation, crisis management, marriage preparation, marriage, money management, saving, investing, parenting and retirement planning. Students who complete the entire course fulfill the General Financial Literacy graduation requirement. FCCLA may be an integral part of the course.


Note: Student must complete 1.0 credit (pass all four terms) to receive Financial Literacy core credit.

  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 11, 12
  • Schools: Bonneville, Roy
  • Course length: year
  • Fee: $0
  • WSD Course #: 43337
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 14:07

Principles of Engineering


A broad-based survey course designed to help students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology and its career possibilities. Students will develop engineering problem solving skills that are involved in post-secondary education programs and engineering careers. They will explore various engineering systems and manufacturing processes. They will also learn how engineers address concerns about the social and political consequences of technological change. The main purpose of this course is to experience through theory and hands-on problem solving activities what engineering is all about and to answer the question, "Is a career in engineering or engineering technology for me?"


  • Credit: CTE
    This class counts as the 4th Science credit.
  • Grade level: 10, 11
  • Schools: Magnet at Two Rivers
  • Course length: 2 blocks in 1 semester
  • Fee: $10
  • WSD Course #: 84410
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 14:05

Introduction to Engineering Design


An introductory course which develops student problem solving skills, with emphasis placed upon the concept of developing a 3-D model or solid rendering of an object. Students focus on the applications of visualization processes and tools provided by modern, state-of-the-art computer hardware and software, Inventor. This modern computer-based process replaces the traditional hand drawing methods. The course will emphasize the design development process of a product and how a model of that product is produced, analyzed and evaluated, using a Computer Aided Design System. Various design applications will be explored with discussion of possible career opportunities.


  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 10, 11
  • Schools: Magnet at Two Rivers
  • Course length: 2 blocks in 1 semester
  • Fee: $10
  • WSD Course #: 84420
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 14:03

Engineering Design and Development


Students will work in teams of two to four to design and construct the solution to an engineering problem, applying the principles developed in the preceding four courses. The problem may be selected from a database of engineering problems, be a recognized national challenge, or be an original engineering problem identified by the team and approved by the teacher. The problems will involve a wide range of engineering applications (e.g. a school robo-mascot, automated solar water heater, remote control hover craft, etc.). Students will maintain a journal as part of a portfolio of their work. Each team will be responsible for delivering progress reports and making final presentations of their project for an outside review panel. The completed portfolio will be invaluable as students apply to college.


  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 12
  • Schools: Magnet at Two Rivers
  • Course length: 2 blocks in 1 semester
  • Fee: $10
  • WSD Course #: 84470
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 14:01

Digital Electronics


A course of study in applied digital logic. The course is patterned after the first semester course in Digital Electronics taught in 2 and 4 year colleges. Students will study the application of electronic logic circuits and devices, and apply Boolean Logic to the solution of problems. Such circuits are found in watches, calculators, video games, computers and thousands of other devices. The use of smart circuits is present in virtually all aspects of our lives and its use is increasing rapidly, making Digital Electronics an important course of study for a student exploring a career in engineering/engineering technology. Using Circuit Maker, the industry standard, students will test and analyze simple and complex digital circuitry. Students will design circuits using Circuit Maker, export their designs to a printed circuit autorouting program that generates printed circuit boards, and construct the design using chips and other components.


  • Credit: CTE
    This class counts as the 4th Science credit.
  • Grade level: 10, 11
  • Schools: Magnet at Two Rivers
  • Course length: 2 blocks in 1 semester
  • Fee: $10
  • WSD Course #: 84430
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 13:59

Computer Integrated Manufacturing


This course builds upon the solid modeling design skills developed in Introduction to Engineering Design. Students will be presented with design problems that require the use of Inventor to develop solutions to the problems. They will evaluate the solutions using mass property analysis (study of the relationship among the design, function, and materials used), make appropriate modifications and use prototyping equipment to produce three-dimensional models of the solutions. Students will be expected to communicate the process and results of their work through oral and written reports.


  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 11, 12
  • Schools: Magnet at Two Rivers
  • Course length: 2 blocks in 1 semester
  • Fee: $10
  • WSD Course #: 84440
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 13:47

Civil Engineering and Architecture


The course introduces students to the interdependent fields of civil engineering and architecture. Students will learn about the similarities and differences between architecture and civil engineering, and how both work together in achieving a common goal. The major focus of the course is a student-driven project that involves the development of a property site. Students will learn about various aspects of civil engineering and architecture, and will apply what they learn to the design and development of this property. Students will use state-of-the-art architectural drafting software to develop architectural plans and 3-D renderings of all their designs. In addition, students will be exposed to various aspects of civil engineering including: soil analysis, rainfall runoff, 3D topography, structural heat gain/loss, and structural design analysis. Along the way students will learn the skills of: documenting projects, problem solving, and communicating to gain knowledge and share results.


  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 11, 12
  • Schools: Magnet at Two Rivers
  • Course length: 2 blocks in 1 semester
  • Fee: $10
  • WSD Course #: 84450
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 13:57

Digital Business Applications


The business world is progressively more reliant on digital technologies. The Digital Business Applications course is designed to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to be an asset to the collaborative, global, and innovative business world of today and tomorrow. Concepts include the overall digital experience, digital communications with audio and video, and the exploration of career choices. This course also provides an understanding of business concepts and professional development in today’s global office.


  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 10, 11, 12
  • Schools:
  • Course length: semester
  • Fee: $0
  • WSD Course #: 28378
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 13:57

Computer Technology II


This course applies advanced concepts and principles using word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and electronic presentation software. Students will integrate applications learned. This course builds on skills included in Computer Technology.


  • Credit: CTE
  • Grade level: 10, 11, 12
  • Schools: Bonneville, Fremont, Roy, Weber
  • Course length: semester
  • Fee: $0
  • WSD Course #: 28221
Tuesday, 17 January 2017 13:56

Computer Technology

This is the ONLY class that will satisfy the Computer Literacy requirement for graduation. Required of all students. May not repeat.


An introduction to computer application software that includes word processing, spreadsheet, database, and telecommunications. An awareness of career opportunities, business ethics, and trends is included.


  • Credit: Computer Literacy
  • Grade level: 10, 11, 12
  • Schools: Bonneville, Fremont, Roy, Weber
  • Course length: semester
  • Fee: $0
  • WSD Course #: 28220
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