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Monday, 29 July 2019 15:59

Family and Community Resources



Weber School District’s Family Resource Center

Located at Burch Creek Elementary

(The center is located through the front doors to the left)

4300 S. Madison Ave. South Ogden, UT 84403     

801.476.5311    Public Welcome!


LINK:  Weber Family Resource Center Webpage 


The Family Resource Center follows Weber School District’s calendar.
Center hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday, when school is in session.
The Center is closed during the summer.




Centro de Recursos Familiares del Distrito Escolar de Weber

Situado en la Primaria Burch Creek

(El centro se encuentra a la izquierda, pasando las puertas principales)

4300 S. Madison Avenue, South Ogden, UT 84403

801.476.5311 El public es Bienvenido


El Centro de Recursos Familiares sigue Calendario del Distrito Escolar Weber.
El horario del centro es de 7:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Lunes a jueves, cuando la escuela está en sesión.
El Centro está cerrado durante el verano. 




Weber State University Cultural Centers

Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake


 Book of the Month Review


Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain
by Zaretta Hammond   Published in 2014

To close the achievement gap, diverse classrooms need a proven framework for optimizing student engagement. Culturally responsive instruction has shown promise, but many teachers have struggled with its implemention - until now. 

In this book, Zaretta Hammond draws on cultting-edge neuroscience research to offer an innovative approach for designing and implementing brain-compatible culturally responsive instruction. The book includes:

  • Information on how one's culture programs the brain to process data and affects learning relationships.
  • Ten "key moves" to build students' learners operating systems and prepare them to become independent learners
  • Prompts for action and value self-reflection



Blind Spot
by Banaji and Greenwald   Published 2013

"I know my own mind.
I am able to assess others in a fair and accurate way."

These self-perceptions are challenged by leading psychologists Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwald as they explore the hidden biases we all carry from a lifetime of exposure to cultural attitudes about age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, social class, sexuality, disability status, and nationality.

“Blindspot” is the authors’ metaphor for the portion of the mind that houses hidden biases. Writing with simplicity and verve, Banaji and Greenwald question the extent to which our perceptions of social groups―without our awareness or conscious control―shape our likes and dislikes and our judgments about people’s character, abilities, and potential.

In Blindspot, the authors reveal hidden biases based on their experience with the Implicit Association Test, a method that has revolutionized the way scientists learn about the human mind and that gives us a glimpse into what lies within the metaphoric blindspot.



Excellence Through Equity - Five Principles of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student
by Alan M. Blankstein and Pedro Noguera with Lorena Kelly   Published 2016

Excellence Through Equity is an inspiring look at how real-world educators are creating schools where all students are able to thrive. In these schools, educators understand that equity is not about treating all children the same. They are deeply committed to ensuring that each student receives what he or she individually needs to develop their full potential—and succeed.

To help educators with what can at times be a difficult and challenging journey, Blankstein and Noguera frame the book with five guiding principles of Courageous Leadership:

  • Getting to your core
  • Making organizational meaning
  • Ensuring constancy and consistency of purpose
  • Facing the facts and your fears
  • Building sustainable relationships

They further emphasize that the practices are grounded in three important areas of research that are too often disregarded: (1) child development, (2) neuroscience, and (3) environmental influences on child development and learning.



We Can't Teach What We Don't Know
by Gary Howard  Published 2016

Gary Howard outlines what good teachers know, what they do, and how they embrace culturally responsive teaching. Change Begins With Us: School transformation begins with the teachers' willingness to change their classroom structures, school structures, and themselves. It is crucial that teachers make the commitment to look deep inside themselves to see how they can better their attitudes, practices, and beliefs related to race and cultural differences. This book is a reminder to teaching is more than a job; it is a vocation in which we must dedicate our entire self.





Monday, 29 July 2019 15:58

Mission Statement

WSD Equity, Justice and Inclusion Mission Statement

Help create a safe and inclusive climate throughout the district
wherein diversity/differences are embraced and celebrated,
every student and employee is inspired to achieve, thrive and grow,
and where each is empowered to act against any form of intolerance, bigotry (and/or) injustice.


Monday, 29 July 2019 15:58

Celebrating Diverse Weber

Restorative Practices

Latinos In Action (LIA)

Title VI

Immigrant/Migrant/Refugee Education



Highlighting schools in Weber School District working towards Equity, Justice, and Inclusion.

Valley View Elementary School

Riverdale Elementary School

Schoolwide assembly for students on "See Something. Do Something." Assembly was led by Bonneville High School studentbody officers, with performance by the Bonneville High School Drumline. 

 Riverdale ELementary "See something, do something" assemblyRiverdale Elementary "See something, do something" assembly #2Riverdale Elementary "See something, do something" assembly #2


Orion Junior High School

Latinos In Action Parent Night

Monday, 29 July 2019 15:58

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Planting Seeds of Equity

Planting Seeds of Equity

Change is a continuous process. You cannot assess it with the static yardstick of a limited time frame. When a seed is sown into the ground, you cannot immediately see the plant. You have to be patient. With time, it grows into a large tree. And then the flowers bloom, and only then can the fruits be plucked. - Mamata Banerjee

Culturally Responsive Teaching 

Culturally Responsive Teaching is teaching and leading in such a way that more of your students, across more of their differencing, achieve at a high level and engage at a deeper level. It is knowing and understanding your students.

Cultural Competence 

Cultural Competence is the will and ability to form authentic and effective relationships across differences. 



The 7 principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching - .pdf document  - Gary Howard 

  1. Students are affirmed in their cultural connections
  2. Teachers are personally inviting 
  3. The classroom is physically and culturally inviting 
  4. Students are reinforced for academic development
  5. Instructional changes are made to accommodate differences
  6. The classroom is managed with a firm, consistent, loving control
  7. Interactions stress collectivity as well as individuality


Culture Responsive Teaching & The Brain - website

Culturally responsive pedagogy can be a game-changer in a school’s pursuit of educational equity. There are misconceptions about what culturally responsive pedagogy is and how it works. CRT is more than just a set of multicultural activities, social justice lessons, or kinesthetic learning strategies. It is so much more. Check out the resources at this site.


Teaching Tolerance - website 

Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners—who work with children from kindergarten through high school. Educators use our materials to supplement the curriculum, to inform their practices, and to create civil and inclusive school communities where children are respected, valued and welcome participants.


Monday, 29 July 2019 15:57

Community Events


Hispanic Heritage Month - September/October

Bullying Prevention Month - October

Unity Day - October 20, 2021

LGBT History Month - October

National American Indian Heritage Month - November

International Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27

American History Month - February

Black History Month - Feburary

Greek-American Heritage Month - March

Gender Equality Month - March

National Women's History Month - March

World Autism Awareness Day - April 2

National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month - May

Jewish American Heritage Month - May

LGBT Pride Month - June


Community Connections



It is the responsibility of Weber School District (WSD) to identify any child who is a resident of WSD who may have a disability, regardless of the severity of the disability. Children eligible for Section 504 accommodations or services include those children who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity.

If you suspect your child has a disability and does not qualify special education services,
please contact your child’s teacher, or call the District’s Student Services Coordinators at 801-476-7811 to ask about 504 accommodations or for additional information. 


Resources for parents:

Section 504 Parent Guide of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [ENGLISH]
Section 504 Parent Guide of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [SPANISH]
Section 504 Parent & Student Rights and Safeguards [ENGLISH]
Section 504 Parent & Student Rights and Safeguards [SPANISH]
Section 504 Complaint Form
Section 504 Letter to Health Care Professionals
Section 504 Consent for Evaluation Form
Sección 504 Formulario De Consentimiento Para Evaluación

Transition Timeline - For Students in Grades 9-12 Transitioning from High School to College
[SPANISH] Transicón Cronograma - For Students in Grades 9-12 Transitioning from High School to College 
Post-Seconday 504 Accommodation Plans


Resources for school administrators:

Section 504 Consent for Evaluation Form [ENGLISH]
Section 504 Consent for Evaluation Form [SPANISH]
Section 504 Eligibility and Planning Worksheet
Section 504 Teacher Input Form
Dear Colleague Letter
A Parent Guide to Section 504 - Tri-fold Brochure [ENGLISH]
A Parent Guide to Section 504 - Tri-fold Brochure [SPANISH]


     (click to images to enlarge)

504 VS. IEP

Don't ask which plan is better? What plan should I get? Instead, ask which plan is my student eligible for?

 Similarities (Both Plans) 

  • Support students with disabilities
  • Require a proper evaluation for eligibility
  • Require a proper team to make decisions
  • Are available in public schools
  • Are provided at no additional cost to parents
  • Allow for parent or teacher to refer


Law 504 from the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, in conjunction with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (amended in 2009) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (amended in 2004)
Purpose Provides equal access, non-discrimination, and accomodations in the learning environment. Provides an individualized education plan for students who require specialized instruction to progress.
Eligibility Must have a disability that "substantially limits a major life activity" and requires accommodation. Must have a disability that adversely impacts learning and requires "specialized instruction" to make progress. Must fit within one of 13 eligibility categories.
The Plan Accommodations to ensure equal access in the learning environment. Includes accommodations and/or modifications, goals, services and times, and other supports.
Team Persons knowledgeable about the student, evaluation, and programs. Parent, regular ed. teacher, administrator, student (if old enough), and other professionals as appropriate.
Review Plan and eligibility reviewed "periodically". Also when a major change of service is requested. Plan reviewed annually. Eligibility reviewed every three years.





Jamie Ellis Student Access Director (801) 476-7888

Jamie Ellis

Student Access Director

(801) 476-7888

Melanie Malan Student Access District Facilitator (801) 476-7879

Melanie Malan

Student Access District Facilitator

(801) 476-7879

Priscila Furlanetto Student Access District Facilitator (801) 476-7890

Priscila Furlanetto

Student Access District Facilitator

(801) 476-7890

Sandy Lambert Equity Administrative Assistant (801) 476-7865

Sandy Lambert

Equity Administrative Assistant

(801) 476-7865

OGDEN, UT 84405

Purple Star Schools

Congratulations! The following schools have been awarded the distinction of Purple Star School for the 2024-25 school year!


Purple Star Schools UTAH logo


Military Family Resources

School’s Military Liaison

  • Weber School District Liaison
    Melanie Malan, WSD Military Family Liaison
    Ph: 801-476-7879

Weber School District Military Support Team 

  • Melanie Malan, WSD Military Family Liaison
    Ph: 801-476-7879
  • Larissa Archuleta, WSD Military Support Specialist
    Ph: 801-476-7830


WSD Demographics

Weber School District is home to 35,042 students, including 7,624 students of racial diversity.

Thursday, 18 July 2019 09:07

Orchard Springs Elementary

Photo of Orchard Springs Elementary
Karen Miller 8013955650


Karen Miller


3300 North 975 West
Pleasant View, UT 84414


P. 8013955650

F. 8013955679



Thursday, 18 July 2019 09:06

Silver Ridge Elementary

Heather Georgi 8013955610


Heather Georgi


3340 North 3050 West
Farr West, UT 84404


P. 8013955610


Silver Ridge Elementary 

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