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Wellness (1)

Sunday, 23 October 2016 21:29

Wellness Program

Written by Super User

Mark Your Calendars!!!

Weber School District’s health screenings will be held the following dates at Weber Innovation High (1007 West 12th Street, Ogden 84404)

  • January 22, 2024 1-6pm 
  • January 23, 2024 1-5pm 
  • January 30, 2024 1-6pm 

One health screening at the District Office 5320 Adams Ave Parkway Ogden,84405

  • January 31, 2024 1-5pm 

An email will be sent within the next month to schedule an appointment.

Health Screening Information

*Please note participation in a health screening is optional. 

Employees also have the option of participating in a health screening/ physical from their own physician.  A health screening/ physical that was completed between February 1, 2023- January 31, 2024 will be accepted.  Employees will need to have their physician sign the attached physician form.

Wellness Incentive

Convert 2 sick days to 1 personal day



Spouse Participation

*Please note- Spouse’s who are enrolled in Weber School District’s health insurance have the option of participating in the wellness incentive program.  The spouse will receive their own $25 gift card by participating in a health screening.  The gift cards will be distributed by the schools in April.

Employees must complete a Health Screening by February 1, 2024 to be eligible for the Wellness incentive.  Wellness incentives will be included on the March 1, 2024 paycheck.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q- Do I have to be enrolled in the district's health insurance to participate in the health screening and be eligible for the wellness incentive?
    A- No, employees do not have to be enrolled in the district’s health insurance plan to participate.  However, employees must be eligible for health insurance.  Employees who work 6 hours or more are eligible for health insurance. 

  • Q- If I participate in a health screening through my doctor, when do I have to submit my physician form to Human Resources to receive the wellness incentive?
    A- Physician forms need to be signed by the employee's doctor and submitted to Human Resources by February 1st, 2024 to be eligible for the Wellness incentive.  Human Resources will need the original physician form.

  • Q- Do I need to make an appointment to attend Weber School District’s health screening?
    A- Yes, employees and spouses need to schedule an appointment to participate. 

If you have questions please contact Sue Mecham 801-476-7847 or Human Resources- 801-476-7886.


Download the 2023-24 Physicians Form