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Friday, 24 May 2024 09:55


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PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on May 1, 2024, the Board of Trustees (the “Board of Trustees”) of the Local Building Authority of Weber School District, Utah (the “Authority”), adopted a resolution (the “Resolution”) expressing its intent to issue up to $60,000,000 of lease revenue bonds (the “Bonds”) and calling a public hearing to provide members of the public desiring to be heard an opportunity to present testimony on the proposed issuance of the Bonds, pursuant to the Local Building Authority Act, Title 17D, Chapter 2 (the “Act”) and the Local Government Bonding Act, Title 11, Chapter 14, each of the Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended (the “Code”).

The Authority intends to issue the Bonds for the purpose of (1) financing certain costs of acquiring, constructing and improving (i) the Roosevelt Elementary replacement in Washington Terrace, Utah, and (ii) a portion of the new elementary to be located in West Haven, Utah (collectively, the “Project”), (2) providing capitalized interest to pay all or a portion of the interest accruing on the Bonds during the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Project and (3) paying the costs incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds.

The Authority intends to issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000), which will mature in not more than 26 years from their date or dates. Under current market conditions and with the Authority’s current plan of finance, the Authority currently expects that average annual amount the Authority will pay in principal and interest on the Bonds is approximately $4,686,050 and the maximum annual amount the Authority will pay in principal and interest on the Bonds is approximately $4,931,100.

Pursuant to the Act, the Authority proposes to pledge to the payment of the Bonds various rental payments made to the Authority by the Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah (the “Board”), pursuant to a Master Lease Agreement, between the Authority and the Board. Under current market conditions and with the Authority’s current plan of finance, the Authority currently expects that average annual amount the Board will pay in lease payments is approximately $4,691,050 and the maximum annual amount the Board will pay in lease payments is approximately $4,936,100.

The Authority will hold a public hearing during its Board of Trustees meeting which begins at approximately 6:00 p.m. on June 12, 2024. The public hearing will be held at the regular meeting place of the Board of Trustees, 5320 Adams Avenue Parkway, in Ogden, Utah. All members of the public are invited to participate in the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Authority, to the attention of the Secretary and Treasurer, prior to the public hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to provide members of the public desiring to be heard an opportunity to present testimony on the proposed issuance of the Bonds.

The Authority currently anticipates taking action on the proposal to issue the Bonds following the public hearing at the Board of Trustees meeting which begins at approximately 6:00 p.m. on June 12, 2024, which meeting will be held at the regular meeting place of the Board of Trustees, 5320 Adams Avenue Parkway, in Ogden, Utah.


The proposed Bonds will be secured by lease payments made by the Board. The lease payments are subject to annual appropriations by the Board and, once appropriated, may commit money from future property tax and income tax revenue allocated to the Board. (The Authority itself has no taxing authority and receives no tax revenues.) A lease revenue bond issued by the Authority generally has a higher interest cost that a voter-approved general obligation bond issued by the Board.

DATED this 1st day of May, 2024.


By /s/ Robert D. Petersen  
Secretary and Treasurer

Thursday, 09 May 2024 14:15

Bond Projects - Status as of May 8, 2024

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Projects Construction Bid Construction Start Expense as of 5/8/2024 Estimated Construction End Estimated Final Cost
West Field HS (New Build) $154,431,924 2/1/2022 $122,550,443 August 2024 $154,431,924
Mountain View JHS (New Build) $62,688,570 4/22/2022 $55,765,214 August 2024 $62,688,570
Haven Bay Elem. (New Build) $42,741,300 3/1/2023 $24,246,207 August 2024 $42,741,300
Roosevelt Elem. (Replacement) $46,393,324 12/20/2023 $2,605,300 August 2025 $46,393,324
Total $306,255,118   $205,167,164   $306,255,118

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Wednesday, 13 March 2024 10:38


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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of Section 1114318, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, that on February 7, 2024, the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Local Building Authority of Weber School District, Utah (the “Authority”), adopted a resolution (the “Resolution”) calling a public hearing to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Authority’s lease revenue bonds (the “Bonds”) in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $60,000,000 to finance the below defined Project and the potential economic impact that the Project will have on the private sector.

Pursuant to the Resolution, the Bonds are to be issued for the purpose of raising money for (a) financing certain costs of (i) acquiring, constructing, equipping and furnishing the Roosevelt Elementary replacement in Washington Terrace, Utah, and (ii) a portion of the new elementary to be located in West Haven, Utah (collectively, the “Project”), (b) providing reserves, if necessary, (c) paying capitalized interest, and (d) paying expenses incurred in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds.

The Authority proposes to pledge to the payment of the Bonds various rental payments made to the Authority by the Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah, pursuant to a Master Lease Agreement relating to the Project. No taxes will be pledged to the repayment of the Bonds.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Authority will hold a public hearing during its Board of Trustees meeting which begins at approximately 6:00 p.m. on May 1, 2024 (as postponed from March 6, 2024, and from April 10, 2024). The public hearing will be held at the regular meeting place of the Board of Trustees, 5320 Adams Avenue Parkway, in Ogden, Utah. All members of the public are invited to participate in the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Authority, to the attention of the Secretary and Treasurer, prior to the public hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to receive input from the public with respect to the issuance of the Bonds and the potential economic impact that the Project will have on the private sector.

DATED this 8th day of April, 2024.


By /s/ Robert D. Petersen
Secretary and Treasurer

Thursday, 11 January 2024 13:25

Response to Governor Cox Cell Phone Request

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Dear WSD Administrators, Employees and Parents/Guardians,

As you likely know, Governor Cox recently issued a letter to school and district leaders, requesting that cell phone use be disallowed in classrooms. I've provided the Governor's Letter and resources he provided (attached). We fully support the thoughtful consideration of the Governor's request, but want to ensure that our school leaders engage in discussions with the educators, parents/guardians, Community Councils, PTAs and student leaders in their school community before "hard and fast" school policies are enacted which ban cell phones in the classroom. Gleaning stakeholder input is essential. Some of our schools have already created policies which restrict cell phones in learning spaces/classrooms. These schools enacted a very intentional process, and involved stakeholders in that process, prior to the determination to implement such policies. A very important piece to consider is how student discipline related to cell phones should/will be managed. 

At the district level, leaders are engaged in discussions related to the cell phone issues we are seeing in our schools. Our district's secondary and elementary leadership, along with our policy committee, will provide guidance and support to our schools as we create a more formal determination of how cell phones will be managed in all our schools. Research studies have well documented the fact that cell phone usage is impacting the social connections, mental/emotional health, self-regulating behaviors, brain development and functioning, and learning and achievement in our young people. The rise in cyberbullying incidents directly impact our students' perception of a "safe and healthy" school environment. 

Many teachers are reporting that they cannot manage the "distractions" created by cell phones and disengagement they observe in their students with access to these devices in learning environments. Their jobs are to educate and inspire, not manage the cell phone usage of their students. Some educators are reporting a weariness and diminishing job satisfaction level due to having to constantly intervene and redirect students related to cell phones. The management of cell phones in the learning environment requires a great amount of time and effort by school personnel. There is no doubt that this time and effort could be more productively utilized to directly support learning and forge positive connections with students. 

The members of our Board of Education are fully committed to mitigating the negative impact that cell phones and social media are having on children's emotional and mental health. Weber School District joined other Utah districts in legal action aimed at holding large social media platforms accountable for the mental/emotional effects we are seeing in our children. As a district, we are fully engaged in the process of determining next steps and policy decisions related to Governor Cox's imperative. 

We welcome your feedback concerning cell phones in the classroom! We encourage you to reach out to your school leaders to share your perspectives and input. 


WSD Superintendency
Gina Butters, Superintendent
Clyde Moore, Assistant Superintendent
Dave Hales, Assistant Superintendent

Secondary Education
Brock Mitchell, Director
Matt Williams, Assistant Director

Elementary Education
Mary Jo Williams, Director
Kirt Swalberg, Assistant Director


1Social Media HarmsSocial Media Harms1.09 MB236 times
2School and District Leaders Cell Phone LetterSchool and District Leaders Cell Phone Letter193.41 KB466 times
3Policy and Resource LinksPolicy and Resource Links89.96 KB234 times




to increase its property tax revenue.

    $520,000 residence would increase from $1,127.41 to
    $1,269.55, which is $142.14 per year.
    $520,000 business would increase from $2,049.84 to
    $2,308.28, which is $258.44 per year.
  • If the proposed budget is approved, WEBER COUNTY
    would increase its property tax
    budgeted revenui by 5.68% above last year's property tax
    budgeted revenue excluding eligible new growth.

All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing
on the tax increase.


Date/Time: 8/2/2023 6:00PM

Location: Weber School District Offices Board Room
                5320 Adams Avenue Parkway

To obtain more information regarting the tax increase,
at 801-476-7800.




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Wednesday, 26 July 2023 08:27

Truth In Taxation

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The Weber School District Board of Education will hold a Truth in Taxation hearing on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the BoardRoom at the District Office, 5320 S. Adams Ave.,Ogden. The purpose of this hearing is to consider increasing the tax rate along with providing opportunity for the public to comment on this matter.

In November 2021, voters approved a $279 million bond to build a new high school, junior high school, and elementary school in western Weber County, along with rebuilding Roosevelt Elementary in Washington Terrace. Escalating construction costs and inflation over the past two years have created some financial challenges in completing the rebuild of Roosevelt. The Weber School Board is considering other options to ensure this project is completed as promised under the 2021 bond.

The Board recently created a Municipal Building Authority which will enable the district to issue revenue bonds for capital projects. This is common practice utilized by municipalities, school districts and other government agencies.

During the Truth in Taxation hearing, the board will position itself to issue a revenue bond for $52 million to complete the Roosevelt rebuild project. The revenue bond will be funded by raising the Capital Outlay Levy; however, the board will also be lowering the Debt Service Levy to offset the tax increase. These adjustments are predicted to have a zero tax impact to taxpayers.

As outlined during the 2021 bond campaign, the board will also be considering making a scheduled adjustment to the local tax rate. This adjustment will go to fund the ongoing expenses associated with operating the three new schools. These expenses include utilities as well essential personnel such as a principal, head secretary, custodian, media specialist, school resource officer, and other non-teacher positions. There will be no increase in costs associated with the rebuild of Roosevelt Elementary since the school already exists with supporting faculty and staff.

The board will also consider making a one time adjustment to the Judgment Levy to offset the amount of $453,436 that was awarded to PacifiCorp and CenturyLink after they appealed their assessed property values to the State Tax Commission. This judgment affects tax revenues collected by the state dating back to 2018. 

Members of the public wishing to attend the hearing can sign-up online. Public comments will be limited to three minutes per person.


Thursday, 20 July 2023 08:42

Bond Progress

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Bond Projects -- Status as of May 8, 2024

Projects Construction Bid Construction Start Expense as of 5/8/2024 Estimated Construction End Estimated Final Cost
West Field HS (New Build) $154,431,924 2/1/2022 $122,550,443 August 2024 $154,431,924
Mountain View JHS (New Build) $62,688,570 4/22/2022 $55,765,214 August 2024 $62,688,570
Haven Bay Elem. (New Build) $42,741,300 3/1/2023 $24,246,207 August 2024 $42,741,300
Roosevelt Elem. (Replacement) $46,393,324 12/20/2023 $2,605,300 August 2025 $46,393,324
Total $306,255,118   $205,167,164   $306,255,118

 Download PDF


Mountain View Construction Progress Oct 2023New Elementary Progress Oct 2023West Field Progress Oct 2023



 The work continues on our three new schools in Western Weber County. West Field High School, Mountain View Jr. High, and the yet to be named new elementary, are all slated to open for the 2024-25 school year.
Congrats to Mike Russell on being named the athletic director at West Field.  Mike comes to us from Syracuse High.  Angie Bodily from Roy High School has also been selected as the new head secretary.
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project


Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Aerial Photo of New School Construction Project
Friday, 21 April 2023 14:21

West Field Cone Boundary Study

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Open House Presentation

Weber School District will open three new schools for the 2024/25 school year, West Field High School, Mountain View Middle School, and a yet-to-be-named elementary school. The Weber District Board of Education opened a boundary study in November 2022 to create the attendance boundaries for these new schools. As part of that process, current school capacities were studied to determine the best way to alleviate crowding at schools while populating the new schools. This may result in modifications to current school boundaries. 

Weber School District will be hosting open houses to help educate stakeholders on the process and share the boundary scenarios that the school and district teams have helped facilitate. We invite all stakeholders to attend these open houses to review the scenarios and offer feedback. If you cannot attend, you may also use the links below to review the information and share your thoughts. All open houses begin at 6:00pm.

Open House Dates and Locations

  • April 18 - Orion Junior High
  • April 19 - Rocky Mtn Junior High
  • April 20 - Roy Junior High

Boundary Study Map - Current proposals for new boundaries

Current vs Proposed Maps with Swipe Capability

Current Capacity/Future Capacity Information - Student Enrollment Numbers (Still working on future projections)

Study Area Map - This will help identify which study area you live in. 

Boundary Study Feedback Link - This will be active starting the week of the open houses.

Tuesday, 05 July 2022 13:33

Bond Progress Report 2022

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2021 Bond Progress Report

On November 2, 2021, Weber County voters approved a $279 million school bond.  The bond passed with 60.51% of voters voting for the issuance of bonds.

The following projects are included on the 2021 bond:

  • New high school in Taylor:  $157 million
  • New junior high school in West Haven:  $51 million
  • New elementary school in West Haven:  $34 million
  • Rebuild of Roosevelt Elementary in Washington Terrace:  $37 million

Estimated start and completion dates:

  • High School
    • Start: November 2021
    • Completion: July 2024
  • Junior High
    • Start: March 2022
    • Completion: July 2024
  • Elementary
    • Start: October 2022
    • Completion: July 2024
  • Roosevelt
    • Start: January 2024
    • Completion June 2026

Issuance of bonds:

  • 1st issuance: $90 million (January, 2022)
  • 2nd issuance: TBD
  • 3rd issuance: TBD

High School

  • Budget $157 million
  • Selection of architect - MHTN Architects
  • Selection of general contractor - Hogan & Associates Construction
  • Construction begins - March 2022
  • Selection of name, mascot and colors - May, 2022
    • West Field High School
    • Longhorns
    • Burnt orange, black, silver & white
  • Estimated completion date - July 2024
  • Boundary adjustments - TBD
  • Final cost -TBD





Junior High School

  • Budget $51 million
  • Selection of architect - Design West Architects
  • Selection of general contractor - Hogan & Associates Construction
  • Construction begins - March 2022
  • Selection of name, mascot and colors - TBD
  • Estimated completion date - July 2024
  • Boundary adjustments - TBD
  • Final cost - TBD

Elementary School

  • Budget $34 million
  • Selection of architect - MHTN Architects
  • Selection of general contractor - Westland Construction
  • Estimated start date - October 2022
  • Selection of name, mascot and colors - TBD
  • Estimated completion date - July 2024
  • Boundary adjustments - TBD
  • Final cost - TBD

Roosevelt Elementary

  • Budget $34 million
  • Selection of architect - MHTN Architects
  • Selection of general contractor - Hogan & Associates Construction
  • Estimated start date - January 2024
  • Estimated completion date - July 2026
  • Final cost - TBD



Wednesday, 22 September 2021 15:29

Notice of Local Special Bond Election

Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah

Public Notice Is Hereby Given that a local special bond election (the “Local Special Election”) will be held in Weber School District, Utah (the “District”), at the same time as the municipal general election, on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 (“Election Day”).

The Local Special Election will be conducted by mail and ballots will be mailed to all eligible voters beginning on October 12, 2021.  Voters can return their ballot by mail, in a secure ballot drop box, or in person on Election Day, and on the dates listed below, at the Voting Assistance Center.  The polls at the Voting Assistance Center shall open at 7:00 a.m. and shall remain open until 8:00 p.m., when it will close.  Secure ballot drop off locations where ballots can be deposited twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week beginning October 12, 2021 until 8:00 p.m. and at the Voting Assistance Center days and hours are as follows:

Ballot Drop Box (Oct. 12 – Nov. 2) open 24 hours a day

Farr West City Office

1896 North 1800 West

Farr West, UT 84404

Harrisville City Office

363 West Independence Blvd.

Harrisville, UT 84404

Hooper City Office

5580 West 4600 South

Hooper, UT 84315

Huntsville Town Hall

7309 East 200 South

Huntsville, UT 84317

Main Library

2464 Jefferson Avenue

Ogden, UT 84401

Marriott-Slaterville City Office

1570 West 400 North

Marriott-Slaterville, UT 84404

North Branch Library

475 East 2600 North

North Ogden, UT 84414

Ogden City Municipal Building

2549 Washington Blvd.

Ogden, UT 84401

Ogden Valley Branch Library

131 South 7400 East

Huntsville, UT 84317

Plain City City Hall

4160 West 2200 North

Plain City, UT 84404

Pleasant Valley Branch Library

5568 South Adams Avenue

Washington Terrace, UT 84405

Pleasant View Municipal Building

520 West Elberta Drive

Pleasant View City, UT 84414

Riverdale City Offices

4600 South Weber River Drive

Riverdale, UT 84405

Roy City Office

5051 South 1900 West

Roy, UT 84067

South Ogden City Hall

3950 Adams Avenue

South Ogden, UT 84403

Southwest Branch Library

2039 West 4000 South

Roy, UT 84067

Uintah City Hall

2191 East 6550 South

Uintah, UT 84405

Washington Terrace City Hall

5249 South 400 East

Washington Terrace, UT 84405

Weber Center Clerk/Auditor’s Office (East Parking Lot)

2380 Washington Blvd.

Ogden, UT 84401

Weber State University Campus
(between Library and Student Union)

3848 Harrison Blvd.

Ogden, UT 84408

West Haven City Hall

4150 South 3900 West

West Haven, UT 84408

Voting Assistance Center

Weber Center

2380 Washington Blvd.

Wednesday, October 27

12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Weber Center

2380 Washington Blvd.

Thursday, October 28

12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Weber Center

2380 Washington Blvd.

Friday, October 29

12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Weber Center

2380 Washington Blvd.

Monday, November 1

12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Weber Center

2380 Washington Blvd.

Tuesday, November 2

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The address for the Statewide Election Voter Information Website is  For information on registering to vote and absentee ballots, voters may contact the office of the (a) Weber County Clerk at the Weber Center at 2380 Washington Blvd. Suite #320, Ogden, Utah, telephone: (801) 399-8034 or visit the County Clerk’s election website at, or (b) Utah Lieutenant Governor, State Capitol, 350 N. State Street, Suite 220, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, (801) 538-1041 or visit the Lieutenant Governor’s website at

For information about alternate times and forms of voting, changes to the location of a polling place and the location of an additional polling place, voters may contact the office of the Weber County Clerk (who is acting a provider election officer for the Local Special Election) at the Weber Center at 2380 Washington Blvd. Suite #320, Ogden, Utah  84401, telephone: (801) 399-8034 or visit the County Clerk’s election website

In order to vote in person at the election, you must present valid voter identification to the poll worker before voting, which must be (a) a valid form of photo identification that shows your name and photograph, (b) a valid tribal card, whether or not the card includes your photograph or not, or (c) two different forms of identification that show your name and current address.

Voters who need assistance voting or other accommodations should call (801) 399-8034 or email .

There is to be no special registration of voters for the local special bond election, and the official register of voters last made or revised shall constitute the register for the local special bond election, except that all persons who reside within the District and are registered to vote in the election held on Election Day shall be considered to vote in the local special bond election.

The title and text of the ballot proposition that will submitted to the qualified, registered voters residing within the District is as follows:



November 2, 2021

[(Facsimile Signature)

Business Administrator, Weber School District]

Shall the Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah, be authorized to issue general obligation bonds (“Bonds”) in an amount not to exceed $279,000,000 and to mature in no more than twenty-one (21) years from the date or dates of issuance of such Bonds for the purpose of raising money for constructing buildings, acquiring land and furnishings and remodeling and updating existing school property under the charge of the Board, and, to the extent necessary, for providing moneys for the refunding, at or prior to the maturity thereof, of general obligation bonds of the Board authorized hereunder or heretofore issued and now outstanding?


If the Bonds are issued as planned, without regard to the taxes currently levied for outstanding bonds that will reduce over time, an annual property tax to pay debt service on the Bonds will be required over a period of 20 years in the estimated average amount of $146.00 on a $395,000 primary residence, and in the estimated average amount of $265.45 on a business property having the same value.

Since there are other outstanding bonds, an otherwise scheduled tax decrease may not occur if these Bonds are issued.

However, such outstanding bonds reduce over time such that the average property tax due to the issuance of the proposed Bonds is expected to have a zero net increase ($0.00) from the current annual property tax levels after the Bonds are issued on both primary residences and businesses or secondary residences in the District.

The foregoing is only an estimate and is not a limit on the amount of taxes that the governing body may be required to levy in order to pay debt service on the Bonds.  The governing body is obligated to levy taxes to the extent provided by law in order to pay the Bonds.

To vote in favor of the above bond issue, select the box immediately adjacent to the words “For the Issuance of Bonds.”  To vote against the bond issue, select the box immediately adjacent to the words “Against the Issuance of Bonds.”

☐ For the Issuance of Bonds

☐ Against the Issuance of Bonds

Notice Is Further Given that on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, that being a day no sooner than 7 days and not later than 14 days after the local special bond election, the Board of Education of the District (the “Board”) will meet at its regular meeting place, 5320 South Adams Avenue Parkway, Washington Terrace, Utah, and will canvass the returns and declare the results of the local special bond election during the Board meeting that begins at 6:00 p.m.Notice Is Further Given that on Friday, October 8, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., in the Elections Office on the first floor of the Weber Center at 2380 Washington Blvd., in Ogden, Utah, there will be conducted a test of the automatic tabulating equipment or other apparatus to be used to tabulate the results of the November local special bond election to be held in the District on the issuance of $279,000,000 general obligation bonds described above.  This test is open to public observation in accordance with the provisions of Section 20A-4-104, Utah Code.

Pursuant to applicable provisions of Sections 11-14-208 and 20A-4-403 of the Utah Code, the period allowed for any contest of the local special bond election shall end 40 days after November 16, 2021 (the date on which the results of the election are to be canvassed and the results thereof declared).  No such contest shall be maintained unless a complaint is filed with the Clerk of the Second Judicial District Court in and for Weber County, within the prescribed 40-day period.

In Witness Whereof, the Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah has caused this notice to be given.

Dated:  September 1, 2021.

Posted:  on or before September 30, 2021.

Board of Education of Weber School District, Utah

By /s/ Robert Peterson                                   
  Business Administrator

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