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Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:57


Future Business Leaders of America provides students with opportunities for leadership, community involvement, business partnerships, and competition with other students in events ranging from Public Speaking to Job Interview to Parliamentary Procedures. 


Julie Thorngren’ s Jr. High students at the  FBLA State Competition. Consist of 7th, 8th, 9th graders from Snow Crest.  Congratulations! 

Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:57

ProStart I (11-12)

This basic course from the National Restaurant Association introduces students into the world of professional cooking. Basic communication skills, safety and sanitation, food preparation, meal planning, and other topics are taught in this beginning course. FCCLA may be an integral part of this course.


Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:56

Animal Science I (9-12)

Students will develop knowledge and skills in a wide range of scientific principles, including genetics, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, disease, pests, and management practices. The scientific processes of observation, measurement, hypothesizing, data gathering, interpretation, analysis, and application are included. Career opportunities and educational preparation are examined. Learning activities are varied, with classroom, laboratory, and field experiences emphasized.


Mr. Smalley’s Animal Science Class at Roy High put together Chicken coops to run a science experiment using two different breeds of chickens and three different kinds of feed and will calculate the most effective breed and feed.

FCCLA provides students with opportunities to attain knowledge, skills, and leadership characteristics necessary to succeed in life, as well as promoting personal growth and leadership development.


FCCLA Culinary Competition at Roy High. 

College and Career Awareness provides students with the direction, decision making, and planning needed to select their personal career paths. College and Career Awareness is an important part of a student's preparation in becoming college and career ready.



Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:53


Weber High HOSA (Health Occupations Student Organization) has an on-going service project called “Weekend Warriors”.  This student organization has been raising money through donations and collecting food through donations to send home with elementary students who may not have enough food on their tables to eat over the weekend. .  Recently, the Weber High HOSA Chapter officers and advisors organized another weekend of service going throughout the community to raise donations and collect donated food items form individuals and businesses. The Co-Presidents of HOSA  along with their advisors (Jen Bird and Melissa Powell) organized a successful campaign that brought in more than $2000.00 in cash donations, and collected thousands of food items and needed household items for our community youth.  Congratulations Weber High HOSA, you are making a difference in the community!  


Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:52

The Weber Experience

Weber High School recently held its annual 9th grade student recruitment.  This annual event is known as “The Weber Experience” and it consists of approximately 40 different booths set up from all kinds of programs, classes, and clubs that are available for the incoming sophomores to be involved with. The students come from the three junior high schools in Weber High’s Cone, that being Orion Jr, North Ogden Jr, and Snowcrest Junior High.  The students are first directed into the auditorium where they are welcomed by Mr. Velden Wardle, the awesome WHS principal.  After that, the student body officers and counselors give them plenty of tips and advice on making good class choices at Weber High, and they perform some fun and interactive skits to get the students excited about attending Weber High.  After the presentation in the auditorium, the students are released out into “The Commons” to visit as many program and club areas as they can within an hour. Students get to interact with teachers and other students who are currently  in those classes, and pick up valuable information about the classes so they can prepare to register for their sophomore year.


Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:50

Food Service/Culinary Arts

Students will be trained for career opportunities in the food service/culinary arts industry. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice safety and sanitation procedures, and use and maintain commercial food service equipment. They will perform quantity food preparation as it relates to catering, bakery, restaurant, hospitality, and fast food business operations.    


Bonneville High Schools Culinary Programs participated in a “Burger Battle”.

Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:49


This course provides students the opportunity to develop essential skills in the various career pathways related to Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS). Students will explore and cultivate skills in food and nutrition sciences, childcare, interior design, clothing and textile construction, fashion design and merchandising, consumerism, entrepreneurship, family relationships, personal responsibility, and career and job-related tasks.



Mindy Nish’s 8th grade FACS class at Rocky Mountain Junior High School doing an entrepreneurial lesson and created their own business.  After all costs they made about $95.


Ms. Weaver’s students at North Ogden Jr High School with their shoe box room as part of the interior design unit for the 8th grade FACS.

Saturday, 29 October 2016 21:48

Welding - Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced

Students will learn welding skills that will prepare them to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace and in project construction. Students will learn and practice knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits required for performing tasks autonomously, including the selection and use of appropriate techniques and equipment with minimum supervision including the selection and use of appropriate techniques and equipment.




Mr. Ellertson’s  Welding class at Fremont High School designing and fabricating parts for a trailer.

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