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Thursday, 04 June 2020 09:13

I need help with AcyMailing

Weekly AcyMailing updates is the correct Answer!   

Updating Acymailing lists just takes a minute and it insures that all your parents that are on myWeber are getting emails from you and your school.


Here is the help video!

acy uploaded

Thursday, 04 June 2020 09:13

Semester AcyMailing Updates

Weekly AcyMailing updates is the correct Answer!   

Updating Acymailing lists just takes a minute and it insures that all your parents that are on myWeber are getting emails from you and your school.


Here is the help video!

acy uploaded

Thursday, 04 June 2020 08:37

Monthly AcyMailing Updates

Weekly AcyMailing updates is the correct Answer!

Updating Acymailing lists just takes a minute and it insures that all your parents that are on myWeber are getting emails from you and your school.


Here is the help video!

acy uploaded

Thursday, 04 June 2020 08:34

Weekly AcyMailing updates

Weekly AcyMailing updates is the correct Answer!   Keep up the great work!

Updating Acymailing lists just takes a minute and it insures that all your parents that are on myWeber are getting emails from you and your school.


Here is the help video!

acy uploaded

Friday, 29 May 2020 08:16

New Student Registration

Pre-Registration Form Link

Do you have an elementary-aged child who will be new to Weber School District next year?

  • An incoming Kindergarten Student?

  • A new student moving to a WSD Elementary School?

If so, please go to to complete your demographic forms prior to New Student Registration.

Did you already submit your child’s demographic forms to your school secretary via email? Then…

Please attend New Student Registration at your neighborhood elementary school! August 5, 2021 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

We recommend appropriate distancing and face coverings. Call your neighborhood school for more info! Welcome to Weber School District!

Please bring with you:

  • original birth certificate
  • immunizations, and
  • two proofs of residency. (current utility bill, updated drivers license, W2 Form, etc.)

A message from Superintendent Jeff Stephens:

Congratulations to each member of the exceptional graduating Class of 2020! You have achieved a landmark goal that you've pursued for the past thirteen years. While graduation is one of life's great forward-looking ceremonies, it is also a time to momentarily pause on the summit of your high school experience. Legendary Coach John Wooden's favorite book is The Robe, by Lloyd Douglas. There's a great quote in that book, "Life is like a journey, often too even and easy and dull over long distances along the plains, too hard and painful up the steep grades; but, on the summits of the mountain, you have a magnificent view—and feel exalted—and your eyes are full of happy tears—and you want to sing—and you wish you had wings! And then—you can't stay there, but must continue your journey—you begin climbing down the other side, so busy with your footholds that your summit experience is forgotten." This is definitely a summit experience! 

During your high school years, you have made friends of a lifetime who have not only helped you along your way but contributed to the person you have become. Try to stay close to them. Each of you has been influenced by teachers who have had tremendous impact for good on your lives. Reflect often on the lessons they taught you. Parents and family members have supported you through every challenge you've encountered. Always love them and never be shy to express that love. 

Whenever I hear the term "Twenty-Twenty" I think first about clear vision. For you, the Class of 2020, I hope for that kind of keen vision as you look to your future. I want each of you to clearly see what one author described as "your element," or that place where the things you love to do and the things that you're good at intersect as your career. That's no easy thing! I want you to be able to bring into focus what your place in the world will be. I can tell you this—the world needs you! Each of you has much to contribute to our world and we need you.  And, while I want each of you to find your career—your personal element—and be extraordinarily successful, I hope you never confuse your life and your work. Your work is what you do. Your life is who you are. Too many get well down their life's journey only to realize that they confused the two.

I also want you to envision how you can help make our world a better place. I know you can clearly see that we don't have to be so divided. There's so much more that unites, rather than divides us. I hope you envision a world where we not only tolerate one another's differences, but truly embrace and celebrate that diversity. I can't imagine a more boring place to live than one where everyone was just like me! I hope you see early on that real happiness comes from helping others. In fact, I have found that one of life's greatest paradoxes is that selflessness is really the best thing you can do for yourself. It really is one of the unique and curious truths of our human experience! Living a selfless life may just serve as a reminder that none of us is really all that special—because EVERYONE is!

One final thing—each of us is heartbroken that we can't celebrate your accomplishments by shaking your hand, looking you in the eye and telling you how proud we are of you. Because your graduation took place during a global pandemic, you don't get to enjoy some of the traditional rites of passage that typically go along with this milestone achievement. We are all truly sorry about that. But, perhaps experiencing this kind of disappointment rather early in life will give you some insight into how to face adversity with courage and optimism. I really believe that the insight you've gained by facing disappointment without becoming bitter or losing hope will one day be a tremendous advantage for you. Perhaps, you'll face some deep disappointment later in life that will require you to draw on the strength of character this current disappointment helped you develop. This strength of character will help you be stronger in overcoming some future setback. Or, maybe someone that you love dearly will experience disappointment in their life. Because of things that you've learned as part of the graduating Class of 2020, you will have developed "20-20" vision that will allow you to better understand what they're going through and be able to help them face up to adversity and inspire them to do so. 

Congratulations! Best of luck to each of you. And, on behalf of all who care about and believe in you, we hope you make for yourselves extraordinary lives--for your sake and for ours. I admire each of you!

With Highest Respect,

Dr. Jeff M. Stephens

Superintendent; Weber School District

Wednesday, 06 May 2020 09:53

Dear Colleagues Letters

The U.S. Department of Education archived Dear Colleague Letters can be found at: Note as of October 2, 2017, The U.S. Department of Education has withdrawn 72 guidance documents as part of the federal administration’s efforts to do away with “unnecessary regulatory burdens.” Most of the rescinded documents are in the form of Dear Colleague letters:

  • 9 were originally issued by the Rehabilitation Services Administration and addressed the Rehabilitation Act;
  • 63 were originally issued by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and addressed aspects of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  • The most recently issued (and now rescinded) guidance was from 2014; the majority of the guidance documents were originally issued in the 1990s and 2000s. The list of rescinded guidance includes a brief description of why each document was rescinded.
  • Find the list of the 72 guidance documents that have been withdrawn, at:  
Tuesday, 28 April 2020 12:42

A Message From Governor Herbert

Watch on YouTube

A message to our students from Governor Herbert.

Congratulations, Seniors! You're on the cusp of achieving one of life's outstanding accomplishments. High school diplomas will soon be in-hand! You're kind of a big deal!  With that said, we acknowledge that this is an unprecedented, uncertain, emotional, and bittersweet time. We are all adjusting to a new normal. The world has been turned upside down by a pandemic virus (COVID-19) which health officials warn is easily spread and may result in serious illness or death. Beloved rites of passage for the Class of 2020 have had to be canceled, postponed, or drastically modified to ensure public safety. We sincerely acknowledge the sense of loss many of you may be feeling as a result. It's okay to be a little sad and disappointed. We applaud, however, the valiant efforts you are making to remain optimistic and complete graduation requirements via remote learning. 

The American poet, Maya Angelou, once said, "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it."  Angelou's wise words remind us of one of life's greatest lessons: Difficulties strengthen our ability to overcome. We believe in each of you and your ability to do difficult things. Keep your eyes on the prize. The best is yet to come! 

We are in continual contact with state/local government and health officials, and it has become evident that we will not be able to safely facilitate traditional graduation ceremonies for our high schools on scheduled days/times in May. With a public health order in place discouraging non-essential travel, promoting the practice of physical distancing, and not allowing social/group gatherings greater than ten people, it has become necessary to create a modified graduation plan to celebrate the Class of 2020. 

In a recent letter from Governor Gary Herbert to local school districts, he stated, "As the Class of 2020 prepares for one of the defining moments of any generation, high school graduation, it is up to all of us to ensure these students receive the recognition they have earned in as safe an environment as possible.  We appreciate your efforts in planning for a virtual format, suspending formal ceremonies until it is deemed safe, or a combination of both.  We acknowledge that you are working hard to make these decisions based on community safety, while trying to honor the students in a special way."

Here are the preliminary details associated with the WSD modified graduation plan:

Each high school will facilitate a Virtual (online) Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2020 on Friday, May 29, 2020.  Each event will be recorded and video streamed. A link to access the commencement program will be provided as we get closer to the specified date. Seniors, you will be invited to participate in your school's virtual ceremony in a meaningful and memorable way! More in-depth details will be forthcoming from each high school.  

Schedule of Virtual Graduation Ceremonies on May 29th:

Weber Innovation High School 10:00 AM YouTube KSL Video
Two Rivers High School 11:00 AM YouTube KSL Video
Weber High School 12:00 PM YouTube KSL Video
Fremont High School 2:00 PM YouTube KSL Video
Roy High School 4:00 PM YouTube KSL Video
Bonneville High School 6:00 PM YouTube KSL Video

Officials at each high school plan to facilitate a "Class of 2020 Celebration" when protective mandates have been lifted and allow for large group gatherings. These events will likely take place outdoors, sometime in the late summer or early fall. Graduated seniors and parents will be invited back to the school to interact with each other, teachers, counselors, support staff members, coaches/advisors, and administrators and enjoy a celebration of this year's amazing Class of 2020. 

It is very important to us that our district's seniors know that we are deeply saddened that we must modify the traditional graduation ceremony experience; however, we all acknowledge that the health and safety of each member of our community is the top priority. We will work very hard to creatively provide two, separate and meaningful events to honor the accomplishments and sacrifices of our seniors!  We strongly believe that there will never be a graduating class like the Class of 2020. You're a special and gritty group, and you're showing us all how to courageously move through adversity. We are extremely proud of each of you! Keep moving forward!

All the best,

Gina Butters 
Executive Director of Secondary Schools

Clyde Moore
Supervisor of Secondary Schools

Brock Mitchell - Principal, Bonneville High School
Michele Parry - Principal, Fremont High School                
Matt Williams - Principal, Roy High School
Chris Earnest - Principal, Weber High School                             
Nicole Meibos - Principal, Two Rivers High School 
Hal Raymond - Principal, Weber Innovation High School

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