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Thursday, 05 December 2019 15:31

Orion Jr High students make seatbelt covers

Ms Smith FACS class at Orion Jr have been making seatbelt covers for cancer patients…The idea was inspired by one of Ms. Smith students who has a friend with cancer.  The cancer patients favorite item that helped her through her treatments  was a selt beltcover for the Chemo ports.  The covers prevent the seatbelts from rubbing against the ports. The ports are very sensitive.  All covers made will be donated to local hospitals for cancer patients.

Wednesday, 04 December 2019 15:28

CTE Serves the Community

Ms Smith FACS class at Orion Jr have been making seatbelt covers for cancer patients…The idea was inspired by one of Ms. Smith students who has a friend with cancer.  The cancer patients favorite item that helped her through her treatments  was a selt beltcover for the Chemo ports.  The covers prevent the seatbelts from rubbing against the ports. The ports are very sensitive.  All covers made will be donated to local hospitals for cancer patients.

Friday, 29 November 2019 15:59

December 2019 Superintendency Message

A message from Assistant Superintendent Art Hansen:

Serving Others

As we approach the holidays, it is a good time to reflect on the amazing efforts that our schools and the Weber School Foundation are making to enhance the lives of those who are in need. Not only do these efforts help our community, the concept of serving others is an important life skill for our students. As Booker T. Washington said, "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others." We have a lot of happy students and educators who value service.  

Throughout the year, and especially during this time of year, our schools are teaming up with non-profit organizations to serve our community and beyond. They are gathering items and cash to be distributed to those in need in our community. Examples of service include: Shop with a Hero, food drives, toy drives, book drives, blanket drives, glove drives, cash and coin challenges, Quarters and Cans, giving/angel trees, benefit dinners, benefit dances, and visits to nursing and veterans' homes. These efforts are going on quietly behind the scenes in each of our schools.

Weber District schools have also been the beneficiaries of many wonderful individuals, community, and business organizations who have opened their hearts and wallets and have reached out to our schools to identify those in need--organizing drives within their organizations to give to our children.

This year, our Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student Organizations have declared 30 Days of Service. Our DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, Skills USA, and Education Rising students are involved in providing service for individuals, families, and non-profit organizations.  

The Weber School Foundation sponsors the Christmas Tree Jubilee each year. Through the efforts of the WSD Foundation and all those who donate Christmas trees, decorated wreaths, and silent auction baskets, as well as those who attend the gala and jubilee each year, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised that directly benefit children in our area. This year's focus is twofold. Funds generated will go to providing sensory playgrounds for children with special needs and to help fund mental health efforts in each of our junior high schools and high schools through the Hope Squad program.  

It is indeed a time to celebrate the efforts of so many. We are grateful to know that there are so many individuals and groups out there who want to serve and give to those who are most at risk, not only during the holiday season, but throughout the year. Thank you for all you do!!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 14:47

Non-Discrimination Statement

Weber School District is committed to ensuring a safe learning and working environment for all our students and employees. Weber School District prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), or retaliation on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other legally protected classification in all educational  programs, activities, admissions, access, treatment, or employment practices. Board Policy 4120 and 7100 prohibits discrimination based on race, color and national origin, sex, handicap or disability, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,  and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Equal Access Act, and Utah Code 34A-5-106. Other related Weber School District Policy 5201 - Bullying Policy. Related inquiries and complaints may be directed to a school administrator or to the Weber School District Director of Equity, Justice, and Inclusion (801) 476-7869. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695 or, if you believe you have been discriminated in your employment, the Utah Antidiscrimination and Labor Division (UALD) at (801) 530-6801 or the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) at 1-800-669-4000..


Title IX
Heather Hardy

Section 504
Jennifer Warren

SPANISH VERSION: Cómo presentar una queja o reclamo ante la Oficina de Derechos Civiles (OCR)

Friday, 01 November 2019 12:30

November 2019 Superintendency Message

A message from Superintendent Jeff Stephens:

Several months ago, Weber School District hired Lillian Tsosie-Jensen as our equity director to assist in ensuring that every child in our school district experiences a bias-free, safe education. Lillian brings a wealth of experience, leadership and knowledge to this new role. We not only welcome Lillian, but as a school district look forward to working with her to create and maintain a learning environment free from inequity or injustice of any kind.  

Some have asked what our district's equity effort entails. Let me start by stating what it does not involve—any kind of political agenda! For many years, we have taken pride as a school district in focusing on the whole child. This means that we have resisted trends to narrow the curriculum by emphasizing only basic skills in two or three subjects. Rather, when we speak about the whole child, we stress our desire that every child enjoys a rich, comprehensive learning experience in our schools. Further, we want each student to feel safe and supported, and to be fully engaged in learning as they are challenged in ways that enable them to reach their highest potential.

As we strive toward achieving equity for every child, we can and should deepen our understanding of what it means for students to feel safe and supported at school. Often, when we speak of student safety, for example, we are referencing circumstances that might call into action our safety response protocol--in other words, ensuring students' physical safety. However, every child must also feel safe socially and emotionally in order to achieve at their highest level. Similarly, past references to supporting students may have implied academic or counseling support. As we put on our "equity lense," supporting students also means that we recognize and remove barriers that impede learning and achievement.  

Our district journey toward achieving greater equity for all students goes beyond merely studying different cultures. For instance, it would serve little purpose to study the culture of poverty (or race, religion, gender identity, etc.) and then not do anything about the impediments and hurdles that students of poverty face from day to day. Rather, we must better recognize when even subtle forms of bias or discrimination become obstacles in a child's path. Then, we can respond in appropriate and effective ways to remove those barriers so that they no longer impede growth and progress. Additionally, we want to empower each other, adult and student alike, to stand up against acts of bias, discrimination and injustice. Ultimately, our collective capacity to "stand up" to injustice will have the single greatest impact on creating and sustaining the kind of culture where every person thrives.  

In the end, this is about goodness and doing the right thing. I would hope, perhaps more than anything else, that every student (and their parents) would say of Weber School District, "It's a good place." That, to me, would truly reflect The Weber Way!

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