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Wednesday, 23 November 2016 00:00


Choose a style of chart or graph, enter your data, and ChartGizmo creates a colorful chart or graph! Embed this on your blog or web site to help your readers visualize your data.

Thursday, 24 November 2016 00:00

History of Thanksgiving Videos

These short videos from the History Channel contain some great information and "kids history" clips about Thanksgiving and its origins.

Monday, 21 November 2016 03:40

Transportation Technology (9 grades)

An introductory course that focuses on the world of transportation technology. Students will gain an understanding of how transportation technologies impact politics, the environment, society, and the economy. Students will develop a foundation in essential abilities and attitudes that will in turn expand their occupational opportunities in the world of transportation.





Scott Palmers Transportation and Energy class at North Ogden Jr High school learning how to disassemble and re-assemble small engines.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 00:00


Habitica helps you improve your day-to-day habits by gamifying your life and turning all your tasks (habits, dailies, and to-dos) into little monsters you have to conquer. The better you are at this, the more you progress in the game. If you slip up, your character starts backsliding in the game. Create a custom avatar, and input your Habits, your Daily goals, and your To-Do list. Check off tasks to level up your avatar and unlock features such as armor, pets, skills, and quests. Fight monsters with friends to keep each other accountable, and use your gold on in-game rewards, like equipment, or custom awards, like watching an episode of your favorite TV show. Habitica makes it simple to have fun while accomplishing goals.

Monday, 21 November 2016 00:00

Every Frame a Painting

"Every Frame a Painting" is a YouTube channel dedicated to the analysis of film form. The series analyzes the best in cinema in order to illustrate masterful techniques like the magic of visual comedy, composing movement, musical scores, or the power of editing.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016 15:30

Boundary Adjustment Study

With massive growth in the western areas of Weber County, many of our schools are reaching maximum capacity or even exceeding it.  Take for example Fremont High School.  Built in 1994, with a permanent capacity of 1750 students, enrollment is at 2061 students this school year with projections adding another 90 students next year.  With the addition of 15 portable classrooms, we’ve increased the current capacity to 2054, but this puts a lot of strain on other facilities such as the lunchroom, auditorium, restrooms, and crowded hallways.  Excluding any additional growth in the communities that feed into Fremont, we expect the 2017-2018 enrollment will surpass 2250 students.  The school simply cannot accommodate these numbers.

Other schools are also bursting at the seams including Kanesville Elementary.  Built in 1977, with another eight classrooms added in 2009, current enrollment this year is 842 students.  Permanent capacity sits at 825, and with one portable, we’re already looking at adding more.

Under the current economic conditions, accelerated growth is projected to continue in the communities surrounding these schools.  This expansion presents many challenges to our staff and facilities, along with creating serious safety concerns.

The Weber School District has decided to implement a Major Boundary Adjustment Study.  The goal of this study is to relieve overcrowding at certain schools by re-aligning boundaries and moving students to surrounding schools that can accommodate more students.

On November 16, 2016, a District Boundary Study Committee met to discuss the boundary adjustment process.  This committee is comprised of teams from each school that could possibly be affected by any changes.  Each team includes a school principal, teacher, and PTA member or Community Council parent.  The study teams are organized into two groups to represent the Weber and Roy cones (schools that feed into Fremont).

These teams are tasked with going back to their schools to form Local Boundary Study Committees.  The local committees will consist of up to 10 members and will include more parents and community members.  Each Local Committee has been asked to come up with two boundary adjustment proposals that will be submitted to the District Committee on January 18th, 2017.  We encourage those parents who would like to be involved in this process to contact their school for more information.

After receiving the proposals, the District Committee will meet to review the recommendations.  An open house will then be held the end of February in order to receive more input from the public.  In March, the District Committee will then submit a final proposal to the Weber School District Board of Education for discussion and approval.

More information will follow as we move through this process.  The Weber School District understands that boundary adjustments can greatly impact the lives of our students and parents.  Our promise is to provide a completely open process to allow for parents and citizens to express their ideas and concerns.  We appreciate your support and encourage your involvement as we move forward in the best interest of our schools and each child.

Friday, 18 November 2016 00:00

Quick, Draw!

Draw a terrible doodle and let Google's AI try to guess what it is. This Pictionary-like game is built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you’re drawing. The more you play with it, the more it will learn. This is an example of how you can use machine learning in fun ways.

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