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Wednesday, 19 December 2018 13:59

Days for Girls Hygiene Packets

North Ogden Jr High and Janet Weavers FACS classes have an on going service project. The students and the community helped in making kits. They have made bags, shields and liners for the Days for Girls organization. These kits are to help girls in 3rd world countries have "more Days in school" as many of them can not afford or have access to disposable feminine hygiene items to take care of their monthly cycle and are not able to attend school during that time otherwise. Last summer these kits (230) were delivered to Thailand. They were delivered to 2 schools in Chang Rai. 
On a side note I have never felt so good about being a teacher. In Thailand everyone has a very high respect for teachers, They are looked up to more than even doctors or lawyers or honestly any job. The reactions I got from people when they found out I was a "teacher" was overwhelming.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018 13:58

WSD Christmas Tree Jubilee Auction

Fremont High School- ProStart,Culinary Arts and FCCLA members have been busy creating gingerbread houses. They made the dough, cut out the pieces and baked them. They got to work uniquely decorating their houses. The top two houses, after a class vote will go on to be auctioned off at the WSD Christmas Tree Jubilee.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018 13:57

Coloring Book with a cause

MIRACLE MINUTE-Is Raising money for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. Sally Palmer drew pictures, and published them into a book. She has sold them to students, faculty, community members, etc. During the Miracle Minute we raised $438.27 out of our $500 goal!! She has put in many hours, and a lot of hard work to help our HOSA National Service Project!! Way to go Sally!!!

Wednesday, 19 December 2018 13:35

Elementary Food Packs

Bonneville/HOSA Elementary Food Packs. Bonneville started this project last year, and have continued it again this year. We deliver food packs on a monthly basis. This month we assembled over 100 food packs that were donated to our 6 Elementary schools before the Thanksgiving break. We have collected enough food to do another 100 (give or take) food packs for Christmas!!

Wednesday, 19 December 2018 13:32

Bonneville Food Drive

Our Thanksgiving Food Drive at Smith's, Fresh Market, and Macey's. HOSA, LIA, MESA, DECA, NHS, FFA, and student body came together to collect donations. Students then sorted, organized, and divided out the food. We had plans to feed between 20-25 families for Thanksgiving, and in the end we fed about 30 families from 6-7 of the schools in our cone.

Wednesday, 05 December 2018 10:17

December Rockstars

December Rockstar Megan BarrattDecember Rockstar Arne Erisoty

December Rockstar Sheree BjerregaardDecember Rockstar Melissa Powell

December Rockstar Angela Larsen

Monday, 03 December 2018 10:20

December 2018 Superintendency Message

A message from Assistant Superintendent Kevin Sederholm:

Happy Holidays.

What a great time of year, the season of giving. One of the benefits of working in the District Office is to hear all of the marvelous acts of kindness and giving that go on throughout our educational community. Here are a couple of examples that have brightened my holiday season so far:

  1. The Christmas Tree Jubilee. I have written about this before but I never cease to be amazed at the giving of talents, time and money during this event. So many children from the Weber School District benefit from this event. Hats off to Emily Oyler and her incredible team from the Foundation and countless volunteers that make this event happen.
  1. Bethani Zimmerman is being recognized in the December Board Meeting for the District Volunteer Award. As a 5th and 6th grade student at Freedom Elementary, Bethani would give up her lunch and other recess times to go and volunteer at the Severe Unit at the school. Bethani helped children with various disabilities and behaviors, some of which were extreme. There were even instances that some of that behavior was directed at her. That never stopped Bethani from showing up each day to help these students.  Bethani’s example has inspired me and I’m sure others during this time of year.

There are many other examples of goodness in our community going on at this time. It’s what makes the holiday season so special. May you all have a wonderful Christmas Season.

 Fremont High School teacher Kristen Morey, was awarded English Teacher of the year by the Utah Council of Teachers of English at their annual conference on November 9th. This is a great honor for Kristen, Fremont and the Weber District.

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