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Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:48


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1Ineligible student formIneligible student formEmpty0 times
2Ineligible Student FormIneligible Student Form42.7 KB3850 times
3Alternate Bus Stop Request FormAlternate Bus Stop Request Form154.01 KB3759 times
4Altbusrequest 2015 10Altbusrequest 2015 10Empty0 times

Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:43

Busing Procedure

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Busing Procedure

Due to liability and safety concerns, the district strictly adheres to the busing procedure set forth by the Weber School District, the Utah State Office of Education and Risk Management.

The procedure states that school bus drivers are not authorized to allow eligible students, those who are assigned to their bus route, to be dropped off or picked up at unauthorized bus stops nor to allow students not assigned to their bus route to ride the school bus.  Ineligible students, those who do not qualify for busing services, are also not allowed to ride the school bus to or from school.

Transporting students to such activities as parties, scouts, sleepovers, achievement days, piano lessons, daycare, etc. will not be allowed.  The school bus is only to be used for transporting eligible students to and from their registered residence.

The Utah State Office of Education determines student eligibility as follows:

R277-600-4. Eligibility.

B. Transportation eligibility for elementary students (K-6) and secondary students (7-12) is determined in accordance with the mileage from home specified in Section 53A-17a-127(1) and (2) to the school attended by assignment of the local board.

F. The distance from home to school is determined as follows: From the center of the public route (road, thoroughfare, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the regular entrance of the one where the pupil is living, over the nearest public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open regularly for use by the public, to the center of the public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the nearest public entrance to the school grounds which the student is attending.

The parent of a bus eligible student may request an exception to this procedure due to extenuating circumstances (i.e. a relative or friend may be taking care of your student(s) while you are out of town).  The parent must fill out and sign a copy of the district Alternative Bus Stop Request Form which is available on the Transportation website, or may be picked up in the office at the student’s school.  All forms must be signed by the parent or legal guardian, phone calls are not accepted.  This form is to be presented to the school bus driver showing authorization for the student to ride the alternative bus. Parents may also call the Transportation Office at 801-476-7930 for assistance.  We appreciate your cooperation with this important safety issue.  

Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:36

Busing Policies

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Policy 2300

Student Transportation Management

The Transportation Department shall be organized to provide school transportation service for eligible students (see Policy 2340, 2. a., b., c., for distance to school for eligibility guidelines) based on safety, efficiency, adequacy, and economy. The following shall be taken into consideration in developing the school transportation system:

 1.            Every school bus ride is a learning experience and the school bus ride should also leave students in the proper frame of mind to take full advantage of the instructional program offered.

 2.            Rules and regulations pertaining to the transportation of public school students in the State of Utah have been established by the Utah State Legislature and the Utah State Board of Education and are found in Section 41-6a- 1301-1309 of the Utah Criminal and Traffic Code, 2015 Edition, the Utah Administrative Code R277-600 “Student Transportation Standards and Procedures”, and Utah Administrative Code R277-601 “Standards for Utah School Buses and Operations”. Items covered in this law shall be strictly enforced:

 a.            Specifications Governing New School Bus Equipment

 b.            Inspection of Buses

 c.            Qualifications for School Bus Drivers

 d.            Driving Rules and Regulations

 3.            Certain other driving regulations pertaining to school bus drivers and school transportation are set forth in the Utah Criminal and Traffic Code, 2015 Edition.

 4.            The District will also be in compliance with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991.

 5.            The Board shall establish its school bus system to conform to or exceed minimum state and federal standards.

Policy 2310

Student Transportation Safety

 All buses and other vehicles owned and operated by the Weber School District shall be inspected for safety by the assigned driver and District Transportation Supervisor and Transportation maintenance staff on a regular basis. The District Transportation Supervisor shall develop and maintain a safety inspection record which shall be filled out and signed by the individual who conducts the inspection. In addition, all buses shall be available for regular state inspections by the proper state agency. Any defects noted by either the regular local or state inspection shall be remedied immediately.

All drivers shall be instructed in first aid and shall hold at least a valid Standard First Aid Certificate.

All accidents, regardless of the damage involved, must be reported to the District Transportation Supervisor. Any part of the bus rubbing, scraping, or touching any other object or vehicle in such a manner as to cause damage to the bus or object constitutes an accident.

Any accident involving another vehicle, injury or death must be immediately reported to appropriate local law enforcement. Accident report forms must also be completed and filed with the District Transportation Supervisor.

Policy 2320

Unauthorized Bus Stops, Alternate Bus Stop Requests, Eligibility

1.            Students eligible for transportation will not be picked up or dropped off at an unauthorized bus stop along an established bus route.

2.            A written request (“Alternate Bus Stop Request” form) to pick up or drop off a student at an alternate authorized bus stop along an established bus route will be considered by the eligible bus student’s school   administrator and/or District Transportation Supervisor when the parent/legal guardian finds it necessary to make temporary provisions for the student’s supervision before or after school hours because of extenuating circumstances. This form can be found on the “Transportation” link under “Departments” on the District web site. (WSD.NET)

3.            Eligibility: Eligible students are those students assigned to their specific bus.                                                                       

Utah Administrative Code R277-600-4-B, F defines eligibility as follows:

A.            Transportation eligibility for elementary students (K-6) and secondary students (7-12) is determined in accordance with the mileage from home specified in Section 53A-17a- 127(1) and (2) to the school attended by assignment of the local board.

B.            The distance from home to school is determined as follows: From the center of the public route (road, thoroughfare, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the regular entrance of the one where the pupil is living, over the nearest public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open regularly for use by the public, to the center of the public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the nearest public entrance to the school grounds which the student is attending.

Policy 2330

Scheduling, Routing and Parking of School Buses

1.            A map will be prepared to establish bus routes that will adequately meet the needs of eligible students residing within the eligible busing area of their assigned school of attendance.

2.            Satisfactory school bus stops will be identified along streets and highways where buses can travel with the least amount of risk.

3.            Students will be assigned to a specific stop according to their registered address in their assigned school of attendance. This registered address must be within the eligible busing area of the assigned school boundaries.

4.            Standard procedure will be developed to keep the bus in a secure area at the driver's home, place of driver's employment or at the Transportation Motor Pool between route runs, activity or field trips, when not in use, and when any savings to the school district can be affected.

5.            Parking a bus overnight at home will be approved only if it is clearly evident that such an arrangement will specifically benefit the School District.

6.            Stopping and parking of buses between regular route runs, activity or field trips, or while waiting to resume the bus runs must be at safe and convenient parking areas adjacent to trip routes.

7.            Drivers whose requests for home parking have been approved must constantly demonstrate that proper pre-trip inspections, maintenance, cleanliness, protection, and safety are always provided. Drivers will be responsible for theft from buses.

8.            Permission for home parking, temporary mid-day parking locations, and special parking arrangements may be withdrawn at any time if it is clear that the above provisions are not being met. Deviations from assigned routes, field trips and activity trip runs will be administratively determined by the District Transportation Supervisor.

Policy 2340

Bus Transportation, Bus Stops, Routes and Distance Regulations

1.            Bus Stops:  Bus stops must not be less than 3 tenths of a mile apart.

2.            Walking Distance from Home:

                a.            Elementary students (Grades K-6) may be required to walk up to 1.5 miles and Secondary students (Grades 7-12) may be required to walk up to 2 miles from their registered address to a bus stop.

                b.            Elementary students who live less than 1.5 miles from school and secondary students who live less than 2 miles from school are not eligible for transportation. State funding for transportation is not provided unless the state formula regarding student eligibility is followed.  Parents should assume responsibility for getting students to and from school within the 1.5 and 2 mile distances.

                c.             Parents of elementary students who live beyond 1.5 miles from the established bus route and parents of secondary students who live beyond 2 miles from the established bus route may be reimbursed an amount determined by the Board of Education for transporting their students from their registered address to the nearest bus stop on the regular bus route.

3.            Bus Routes:  Bus routes will be established at the beginning of each school year in accordance with the regulations listed above and in accordance with sound economical and safety practices.  Buses will be routed in such a manner as to provide approved transportation services that are economically feasible, safe and practical. The minimum number of general education students required to establish a route is ten: the minimum number of students with disabilities is five.

4.            Bus Space Availability:  If it is determined that there is space available on a school bus on a regular route, ineligible students living within the schools boundaries may be allowed to ride the bus. Priority is given to students who live the farthest distance from the school. Ineligible students must be given formal approval by the District Transportation Supervisor to use bus transportation. Students will be required to board the bus at the closest eligible bus stop to their registered address. This space available transportation expires at the end of each school year and may be withdrawn at any time. Determination of space available will not be made until after the first two weeks of the school year. If it is determined that there is space available, application for transportation will be received by the Transportation Office. This application form can be found on the “Transportation” link under “Departments” on the District web site.        (WSD.NET)

5.            Open Enrollment:  Open enrollment students are responsible for providing their own transportation.  (Refer to Policy 2340 #4) (Refer to disclosure statement on “Open Enrollment Application”)

Policy 2350

Student Conduct

While Utah law requires the School District to provide transportation for eligible students, it does not relieve parents or guardians from the responsibility of supervision until such time as the student boards the bus in the morning and after the student leaves the bus at the end of the school day.

In view of the fact that a bus is an extension of the classroom, the Board of Education shall require students to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with established standards for appropriate behavior any time they are waiting to board a bus, riding a bus, or after exiting a bus.

In cases when a student does not display proper conduct on a bus, such instances are to be brought to the attention of the school administrator by the driver. The school administrator shall inform the parents or guardians of the misconduct, and request their cooperation in remediating the concern, and inform them of any disciplinary action taken.

Students who become a serious safety or disciplinary problem or who have multiple minor incidents on the school bus may have their riding privileges suspended by the school administrator. In such cases, the parents or guardians of the student involved become responsible for transporting their student to and from school safely.

Due Process:  Unresolved issues or complaints related to student conduct or the consequences thereof, will be decided by the student’s school administration in cooperation with the Transportation Supervisor and the bus driver who reported the incident. Appeal may be made to the appropriate Elementary or Secondary Supervisor at the District office level if necessary.

The following procedures are to be followed on all regular daily “To and From School Bus Routes” to insure the safety of all students on the bus.

  1. All items brought on the bus must be small enough to be placed on the student’s lap or between their legs. Items are to be no wider than the student’s lap and not extend into the aisle.
  2. Items are not to take up a seat in which another student may sit.
  3. Items are not to block the aisle, emergency exits, or be placed on the window ledge at the rear of the bus.
  4. Items cannot be stowed behind the driver’s seat.
  5. On daily “to and from school bus routes,” items cannot be stowed in the storage bins under the bus.
  6. On daily “to and from school bus routes,” the following instruments are prohibited on the bus:
    • a. Bass
    • b. Cello
    • c. Tuba
    • d. Large Drums
  7. All other instruments will be allowed on the bus.
  8. All instruments will be allowed on buses when traveling to a concert or performance. Larger instruments will be stowed in the storage bins of the bus.

Skateboards and scooters are not allowed on the school bus. Unlike musical instruments which are required by curriculum, skateboards and scooters are personal items which present safety issues when transported.

Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:23

UT Admin Code R277

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Utah Administrative Code

The Utah Administrative Code is the body of all effective administrative rules as compiled and organized by the Division of Administrative Rules (see Subsection 63G-3-i02fSi: see also Sections 63G-3-701 and 7021.

NOTE: For a list of rules that have been made effective since September 1,2015, please see the codification seoue page.

NOTE TO RULEFILING AGENCIES: Use the RTF version for submitting rule changes.

Download the RTF file

R277. Education, Administration.

Rule R277-600. Student Transportation Standards and Procedures.

As in effect on September 1, 2015

Table of Contents

R277-600-1.       Definitions.

•                   R277-600-2.           Authority and Purpose

•                   R277-600-3.           General Provisions.

•                   R277-600-4.           Eligibility.

•                   R277-600-5.           Student with Disabilities Transportation.

•                   R277-600-6.           Bus Route Approval.

•                   R277-60Q-7.          Alternative Transportation.

•                   R277-6Q0-8.          Other Reimbursable Expenses.

•                   R277-600-9.           Non-reimbursable Expenses.

•                   R277-600-10          Board Local Lew.

•      R277-600-11. Exceptions.

•        KH

•        Date of Enactment or last Substantive Amendment

•        Notice of Continuation

•        Authorizing. Implemented, or Interpreted Law

R277-600-1. Definitions.

A.                     "ADA" means average daily attendance.

B.                     "ADM” means average daily membership.

C.                     "AFR" means a school district's annual financial report, one component of which is the AFR for all pupil transportation costs.

D.                     "Approved costs" means the Board approved costs of transporting eligible students from home to school to home once each day, after-school routes, approved routes for students with disabilities and vocational students attending school outside their regularly assigned attendance boundary, and a portion of the bus purchase prices. All approved costs are adjusted by the USOE consistent with a Board-approved formula per the annual legislative transportation appropriation.

E.                      "Board" means the Utah State Board of Education.

F.                      "Bus route miles" means operating a bus with passengers.

G.                     "Deadhead" means operating a bus when no passengers are on board.

H.                     "Extended school year (ESY)1' means an extension of the school district or charter school traditional school year to provide special education and related services to a student with a disability, in accordance with the student's IEP, and at no cost to the student's parents. ESY services shall meet the standards of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. 1401(3) and the State Board of Education Special Education Rules.

I.                       "Hazardous" means danger or potential danger which may result in injury or death.

J. "IDEA" means the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Title 1, Part A, Section 602.

K. "IEP" (individualized education program) means a written statement for a student with a disability that is developed and implemented under CFR Sections 300.340 through 300.347.

L "Local board” means the local school board of education.

M. "M.P.V.” means multipurpose passenger vehicle: any motor vehicle with less than 10 passenger positions, including the driver, which cannot be certified as a bus.

N. "Out-of-pocket expense" means gasoline, oil, and tire expenses.

A.    "USOE" means the Utah State Office of Education.

R277-6oo-2. Authority and Pamose.

A.               This rule is authorized under Utah Constitution Article X, Section 3 which vests general control and supervision over public schools in the Board, by Section 53A-i-402(i)(d) which directs the Board to establish rules for bus routes, bus safety and other transportation needs and by Section 53A-i7a-i26 and 127 which provides for distribution of funds for transportation of public school students and disability standards for student bus riders.

B.               The purpose of this rule is to specify the standards under which school districts may qualify for and receive state transportation funds.

Rg 77-600-3. General Provisions.

A.               State transportation funds are used to reimburse school districts for the costs reasonably related to transporting students to and from school. The Board defines the limits of school district transportation costs reimbursable by state fimds in a manner that encourages safety, economy, and efficiency.

B.               Allowable transportation costs are divided into two categories. Expenditures for regular bus routes established by the school district, and approved by the state, are A category costs. Other methods of transporting students to and from school are B category costs. The Board devises a formula to determine the reimbursement rate for A category costs consistent with Section 53A-i7a-i27(3). B category costs are approved on a line-by-line basis by the USOE after comparing the costs submitted by a school district with the costs of alternative methods of performing the designated function(s) and subject to adjustment per legislative appropriation.

C.               The USOE shall develop a uniform accounting procedure for the financial reporting of transportation costs. The procedure shall specify the methods used to calculate allowable transportation costs. The USOE shall also develop uniform forms for the administration of the program.

D.              All student transportation costs shall be recorded. Accurate mileage, minute, and trip records shall be maintained. Records and financial worksheets shall be maintained during the fiscal year for audit purposes.

R277-600-4. Eligibility.

A.               State transportation funds shall be used only for transporting eligible students.

B.               Transportation eligibility for elementary students (K-6) and secondary students (7-12) is determined in accordance with the mileage from home specified in Section 53A-i7a-i27(i) and (2) to the school attended by assignment of the local board.

C.               A student whose IEP identifies transportation as a necessary related service is eligible for transportation regardless of distance from the school attended by assignment of the local board.

D.              Students who attend school for at least one-half day at a location other than the local board designated school are expected to walk distances up to 1 and one half miles.

E.               A school district that implements double sessions as an alternative to new building construction may transport, one-way to or from school, with Board approval, affected elementary students residing less than one and one-half miles from school, if the local board determines the transportation would improve safety affected by darkness or other hazardous conditions.

F.               The distance from home to school is determined as follows: From the center of the public route (road, thoroughfare, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the regular entrance of the one where the pupil is living, over the nearest public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open regularly for use by the public, to the center of the public route (thoroughfare, road, walkway, or highway) open to public use, opposite the nearest public entrance to the school grounds which the student is attending.

R277-6oo-sJStudent with Disabilities Transportation.

A.               Students with disabilities are transported on regular buses and regular routes whenever possible, unless the IEP team determines otherwise. School districts may request approval, prior to providing transportation, for reimbursement for transporting students with disabilities who cannot be safely transported on regular school bus runs.

B.               School districts may be reimbursed for the costs of transporting or for alternative transportation for students with disabilities whose severity of disability, or combination of disabilities, necessitates special transportation.

A.               During the regular school year, an eligible special transportation route from the assigned school site to an alternative program location shall be for a minimum of fifteen days with primarily the same group of students.

B.               During the extended school year (ESY), an eligible special transportation route from the assigned school site to an alternative program location shall be for a minimum of ten days with primarily the same group of students.

C.               Transportation is provided by the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind for students who are transported to its self-contained classes. Exceptions may be approved by the USOE.

R2T7-600-6. Bus Route Approval.

A.               Transportation is over routes proposed by local boards and approved by the USOE. Information requested by the USOE shall be provided prior to approval of a route. During the regular school year, an eligible route from the assigned school site to an alternative program location shall be for a minimum of fifteen days with primarily the same group of students. The USOE shall not approve a route for reimbursement if an equitable student transportation allowance or a subsistence allowance for the necessaiy transportation is more cost- effective. The USOE may approve exceptions. A route shall:

(1)             traverse the most direct public route;

(2)             be reasonably cost-effective related to other feasible alternatives;

(3)             provide adequate safety for students;

(4)             traverse roads that are constructed and maintained in a manner that does not cause property damage; and

(5)             include an economically appropriate number of students.

B.               The minimum number of general education students required to establish a route is ten; the minimum number of students with disabilities is five. A route may be established for fewer students upon special permission of the State Superintendent.

C.               The school district designates safe areas for bus stops.

(1)             To promote efficiency, the USOE approved minimum distance between bus stops is 3/10 of a mile. The USOE may make exceptions for shorter distances between bus stops for student safety.

(2)             Bus routes shall avoid, whenever possible, bus stops on dead-end roads.

(3)             Students are responsible for their own transportation to bus stops up to one and one-half miles from home.

(4)             Students with disabilities are responsible for their own transportation to bus stops unless the IEP team determines otherwise.

D.              Changes made by school districts in existing routes or the addition of new routes shall be reported to the USOE as they occur. The USOE shall review and may refuse to fund route changes.

E.               The USOE may reimburse a school district for transporting another district's students across school district boundaries so long as:

(1)             the route promotes efficient transportation for both districts;

(2)             the route serves a group or community of students and families rather than a single student or a single family;

(3)             the local boards of both participating districts vote in an open meeting that students who reside in one district can be better and more economically served by another district; and

(4)             both districts and the USOE maintain documentation annually of the boards' votes and the map of the approved route.

F.               Schools may transport eligible students home after school activities held at the students’ school of regular attendance and within a reasonable time period after the close of the regular school day and receive approved route mileage.

G.              The USOE may approve atypical routes as alternatives to building construction if routes are needed to allow more efficient school district use of school facilities. Building construction alternatives include elementary double sessions, year-round school, and attendance across school district boundaries.

H.             (i) School districts may use State Guarantee Transportation Levy or local transportation funds to transport students across state lines or out-of-state for school sponsored activities or required field trips if:

(a)             the local board has a policy that includes approval of trips at the appropriate administrative level;

(b)            the school or school district has considered the purpose of the trip or activity and any competing risk or liability;

(c)             given the distance, purpose and length of the trip, the school district has determined that the use of a publicly owned school bus is most appropriate for the trip or activity; and

(d)            the local board has consulted with State Risk Management.

(2) If school bus routes transport students across Utah state lines or outside of Utah for required to and from routes, routes are reimbursable providing school districts maintain documentation that the routes are necessaiy, or are more cost-effective, or provide greater safety for students than in-state routes.

R277-600-7. Alternative Transportation.

Bus routes that involve a large number of deadhead miles will be analyzed by the USOE for reduction or to determine if an alternative method of transporting students is more efficient. Approved alternatives include the following:

A.     The costs incurred in transporting eligible pupils in a school district multipurpose passenger vehicle (M.P.V.) are approved costs as long as the costs demonstrate efficiency.

B(i) The costs incurred in paying eligible students an allowance in lieu of school district-supplied transportation are approved costs. A student is reimbursed for the mileage to the bus stop or school, whichever is closer, to the student's home. The allowance shall not be less than the standard mileage rate deduction permitted by the United States Internal Revenue Service for charitable contributions, nor greater than the reimbursement allowance permitted by the Utah Department of Administrative Services for use of privately owned vehicles set forth in the Utah Travel Regulations;

(2)             a student mileage allowance is made to only one student per family for each trip that is necessary for all the students within a family to attend school. If siblings are on different school schedules or ride buses that are on significantly different schedules, multiple students within a family may claim and be paid for student mileage allowances;

(3)             if a student or the student's parent is unable to provide private transportation, with prior state approval, an amount equivalent to the student allowance may be paid to the school district to help pay the costs of school district transportation;

(4)             the student's mileage shall be measured and certified in school district records. The student's ADA, as entered in school records, is used to determine the student's attendance.

C(i) The cost incurred in providing a subsistence allowance is an approved cost. If a student lives more than 60 miles (one way) on well-maintained roads from the student's assigned school, a parent may be reimbursed for the student's room and board if the student relocates temporarily to reside in close proximity to the student's assigned school. Payment shall not exceed the Substitute Care Rate for Family Services for the current fiscal year. Adjustments for changes made in the rate during the year are included in the allowance. In addition to the reimbursement for room and board, the subsistence allowance includes the costs of 18 round trips per year.

(2) A subsistence allowance is not applicable to a parent who maintains a separate home during the school year for the convenience of the family. A parent's primary residence during the school year is the residence of the child.

D.     Contracting or leasing for pupil transportation

(1)             The cost incurred in engaging in a contract or leasing for transportation is an approved cost at the prorated amount available to school districts.

(2)             Reimbursements for school districts using a leasing arrangement are determined in accordance with the comparable cost for the school district to operate its own transportation.

(3)             Under a contract or lease, the school district's transportation administrator's time shall not exceed one percent of the commercial contract cost.

(4)             Eligible student counts, bus route mileage, bus route minutes, service to students with disabilities and bus inventory data are required as if the school district operated its own transportation.

R277-6QO-8. Other Reimbursable Expenses.

State transportation funds at the USOE-determined prorated amount may reimburse a school district for the following costs:

A.               Salaries of clerks, secretaries, trainers, drivers, a supervisor, mechanics and other personnel necessary to operate the transportation program:

(1)             a Ml time supervisor may be paid at the same rate as other professional directors in the school district. The supervisor's salary shall be commensurate with the number of buses, number of eligible students transported, and total responsibility relative to other school district supervisory functions. A school district may daim a percentage of the school district superintendent's or other supervisor’s salary for reimbursement if the school district's eligibility count is less than 600 and a verifiable record of administrative time spent in the transportation operation is maintained;

(2)             The wage time for bus drivers indudes to and from school time: ten minute pre-trip inspection, actual driving time, ten minute post-trip inspection and bus cleanup, and 10 minute bus servicing and fueling;

B.               Only a proportionate amount of a superintendent's or supervisor's employee benefits (health, accident, life insurance) may be paid from the school district’s transportation fund;

C.               Purchased property services;

A.               Property, comprehensive, and liability insurance;

B.               Communication expenses and travel for supervisors to workshops or the national convention;

C.               Supplies and materials for vehicles, the school district transportation office and the garage;

D.              Depreciation: The USOE shall provide an annual formula for school bus depreciation;

E.               Training expenses to complete bus driver instruction and certification required by the Board; and

F.               Other related costs approved by the USOE which may include additional bus driver training.

R277-600-Q. Non-reimbursable Expenses.

A.               AFR for all pupil transportation costs shall only include pupil transportation costs and other school district expenditures directly related to pupil transportation.

B.               In determining expenditures for eligible to and from school transportation, all related costs shall be reduced on a pro rata basis for the miles not connected with approved costs.

C.               Expenses determined by the USOE as not directly related to transportation of eligible students to and from school shall not be reimbursable.

D.              Local boards may determine appropriate non-school uses of school buses. Local boards may lease/rent public school buses to federal, state, county, or municipal entities, and those insured by State Risk Management or to non-government entities or to those not insured through State Risk Management. In making these determinations, local boards shall:

(1)             require full cost reimbursement for any non-public school use including:

(a) cost per mile;

0}) cost per minute;

(c) bus depreciation.

(2)             require documentation from the non-school user of insurance through State Risk Management or private insurance coverage and a fully executed agreement for full release of indemnification;

(3)             require that any non-school use is revenue neutral; and

(4)             consult with State Risk Management to determine adequacy of documentation of insurance and indemnity for any entity requesting use or rental of publicly owned school buses.

E.               If a local board approves the use of school buses by a non-governmental entity or an entity not insured through State Risk Management, that use shall be approved in an open board meeting.

F.               In the event of an emergency, local, regional, state or federal authorities may request the use of school buses or school bus drivers or both for the period of the emergency. The local board shall grant the request so long as the use can be accommodated consistent with continuing student transportation and student safety requirements.

R277-6oo-io. Board Local Lew.

A.               Costs for school district transportation of students which are not reimbursable may be paid for from general school district funds or from the proceeds of the Board Local Levy authorized under Section 53A-i7a- 164.

B.               The revenue from the Board Local Levy may be used for transporting students and for the replacement of school buses.

C.               A local board may approve the transportation of students in areas where walking constitutes a hazardous condition from general local board funds or from the Board Local Levy.

(1)             Hazardous walking conditions shall be determined by an analysis by the local board of the following factors:

(a)             volume, type, and speed of vehicular traffic;

(b)            age and condition of students traversing the area;

(c)             condition of the roadway, sidewalks and applicable means of access in the area; and

(d)            environmental conditions.

(2)             A local board may designate hazardous conditions.

D.              Guarantee Transportation Levy

(1)             Appropriated funds under Section 53A-I7a-127(7) shall be distributed according to each school district's proportional share of its qualifying state contribution.

(2)             The qualifying state contribution for school districts shall be the difference between 85 percent of the average state cost per qualifying mile multiplied by the number of qualifying miles and the current funds raised per school district by an amount of revenue equal to at least .0002 per dollar of taxable value of the school district's Board Local Levy under Section 53A-i7a-i64.

R277-600-11. Exceptions.

A.      When undue hardships and inequities are created through exact application of these standards, school districts may request an exception to these rules from the State Superintendent on individual cases. Such hardships or inequities may include written evidence demonstrating that no significant increased costs (less than one percent of a school district's transportation budget) is incurred due to a waiver or that students cannot be provided services consistent with the law due to transportation exigencies. The State Superintendent may consult with the Pupil Transportation Advisory Committee, designated in Section 53A- 178-127(5), in considering the exemption.

B(i) a school district shall not be penalized in the computation of its state allocation for the presence on an approved to and from school route of an ineligible student who does not create an appreciable increase in the cost of the route;

(2)  there is an appreciable increase in cost if, because of the presence of ineligible students, any of the following occurs:

(a)  another route is required;

(b)  a larger or additional bus is required;

(c)   a route's mileage is increased;

(d)  the number of pick-up points below the mileage limits for eligible students exceeds one;

(e)  significant additional time is required to complete a route.

(3)  ineligible students may ride buses on a space available basis. An eligible student may not be displaced or required to stand in order to make room for an ineligible student.


school buses, school transportation

Pate of Enactment or Last Substantive Amendment May 16,2013

Notice of Continuation March 12, 2013

Authorizing. Implemented, or Interpreted Law Art X Sec 3; 63A-1 -402(1 )(d); 53A-17a-126 and 127



For questions regarding the content or application of rules under Title R277, please contact the promulgating agency (Education, Administration). A list of agencies with links to their homepages is available at http://www.utah.aov/aovernment/aaencvlist.html or fromhttp://www.rules.utah.aov/contact/aaencvcontactshtm.

Saturday, 29 October 2016 22:18

Staff Directory

Written by

Adam, Janae

Bus Driver


Allred, Jacqueline

Bus Driver


Anderson, Alicia

Bus Aide


Anderson, Mikell

Bus Driver


Austin, Richard

Bus Driver


Bailey, David

Bus Driver


Bailey, Jessica

Bus Driver


Bailey, Shawn

Bus Driver


Beck, Nathan

Fleet Technician


Bell, Lori

Bus Driver


Belton, Dennis

Bus Driver


Bennett, Hadley

Sub Bus Aide


Bennett, Teri

Bus Driver


Bills, Randy

Bus Driver


Birchum, Arthur

Bus Driver


Bise, Rebecca

Bus Driver


Blind, Robert

Substitute Bus Driver


Boutchyard, Timothy

Bus Driver


Bouwhuis, Julie

Sub Bus Driver


Boyce, Mary

Special Education Bus Paraprofessional


Boyle, Travis

Sub Bus Driver


Brown, Daniel

Bus Driver


Brown, Erin

Bus Driver


Bryan, Tina

Bus Driver


Burnham, Brenda

Special Education Bus Driver


Burton, Gordon

Bus Driver


Campbell, Nichole

Bus Driver


Cardwell, David

Bus Driver


Chambers, Kelly

Bus Driver


Chambers, Rodney

Sub Bus Driver


Charlesworth, Tyler

Bus Driver


Chaston, Ty

Bus Driver


Christensen, Katy

Trainer/Safety Coordinator


Christensen, Troy

Bus Driver


Clark, Steven

Sub Bus Driver


Coleman, Robert

Bus Driver


Cook, Scott

Bus Driver


Corrales, Fred

Bus Driver


Costley, Blake

Bus Driver


Cox, Brent

Bus Driver


Craner-Earl, Leahmay

Bus Driver


Crews, Brian

Bus Driver


Cross, Pamela

Sub Bus Driver


Crosthwait, Susan

Sub Bus Driver


Cunningham, Kevin

Sub Bus Driver


Cutler, Bambi

Bus Driver


Degiorgio, Patrece

Bus Driver


Della Lucia, Lonny

Bus Driver


Despain, Michelle

Bus Driver


Dickemore, Darrin

Bus Driver


Donnelson, Randall

Bus Driver


Dunkel, Aaliyah

Substitute Bus Driver


Durham, Heather

Bus Driver


Eggleston, Brad

Fleet Technician


Evans, Kimberly

Bus Driver


Flinn, Laura

Bus Driver


Fowers, Garth

Fleet Technician


Fowers, Matthew

Sub Bus Driver


Fowers, Thane

Bus Driver


Gamble, Lora

Bus Driver


Garmire, Savanna

Trans Data Coordinator


Garrett, Barbara

Substitute Sped Bus Aide


Gee, William

Substitute Bus Driver


Gines, Bryan

Bus Driver


Goodwin, Kristina

Bus Driver


Grant, Vickie

Bus Driver


Green, Cally

Bus Driver


Gremillion, David

Bus Driver


Griffiths, Meagan

Bus Driver


Hadley, Pake

Bus Washer


Hales, Robert

Special Education Route Coordinator


Hanamaikai, Robert

Bus Driver


Hancock, Cindy

Bus Driver


Hancock, Robyn

Sub Bus Driver


Herre, Donna

Bus Driver


Herrick, Ross

Bus Driver


Heslop, Elizabeth

Bus Driver


Higgs, Michele

Special Education Bus Paraprofessional


Higgs, Rebecca

Bus Driver


Higgs, Scott

Sub Bus Driver


Higley, Dixie

Bus Driver


Hill, Nichole

Bus Driver


Himelright, Blair

Bus Driver


Hinds, Trina

Bus Driver


Hipwell, Kelly

Bus Driver


Hodson, Curtis

Bus Driver


Hodson, Justin

Bus Driver


Hodson, Michelle

Bus Driver


Hoffmann, Kipp

Bus Driver


Hosley, Jeffrey

Sub Bus Driver


Hughes, Robert

Sub Bus Driver


Hulse, Troy

Bus Driver


Ingram, Cindy

Bus Driver


Jackson, Bruce

Fleet Technician


Jackson, Sue

Bus Driver


Jensen, Lauri

Bus Driver


Johnson, Beverly

Special Education Bus Paraprofessional


Johnson, Luann

Special Education Substitute Bus Aide


Johnson, Terri

Sub Bus Driver


Jones, Kevin

Sub Bus Driver


Kearl, Kristen

Transportation Supervisor


Kendell, Larry

Bus Driver


Kendell, Stephen

Bus Driver


Keyes, Shane

Fleet Technician


Kilts, Mark

Bus Driver


Kirby, Ron

Bus Driver


Kirk, Molly

Sub Bus Driver


Knighton, Daniel

Sub Bus Driver


Koer, Jennifer

Bus Driver


Kosoff, Kyle

Bus Driver


Lamb, Steven

Bus Driver


Lambert, Mindy

Dispatch/Fieldtrip Coordinator


Lambert, Sean

Substitute Bus Driver


Larsen, Rachel

Bus Driver


Larson, Denise

Bus Driver


Larson, Jessica

Special Education Bus Driver


Layne, Ray

Bus Driver


Lindsay, Brenda

Sub Bus Driver


Lister, Ferron

Fleet Technician Foreman


Liston, Bruce

Bus Driver


Locke, Patricia

Substitute Bus Driver


Mailoto, Eddie

Bus Driver


Manning, Crystal

Bus Driver


Marriott, Baylee

Sub Bus Driver


Marriott, Michael

Bus Driver


Martin, Dale

Bus Driver


Martin, Veronica

Sub Bus Driver


Matthews, Karen

Bus Driver


Maughan, Erika

Office Aide


Maughan, Thomas

Bus Driver


Maw, Jody

Bus Driver


Mcarthur-NotUsed, Cristy

Sub Bus Aide


Mccoy, April

Office Aide


Mcentire, Jeffrey

Lead Fleet Technician


Mcfarland, Richard

Bus Driver


Mcfarland, Sandy

Bus Driver


Mckissen, Colette

Bus Driver


Montag, Tennelle

Bus Driver


Montgomery, Morgan

Sub Bus Aide


Myers, Kenneth

Bus Driver


Nalder, Stacy

Bus Driver


Nelson, Candice

Bus Driver


Nicholas, Ryan

Sub Bus Driver


Nielsen, Shari

Bus Driver


Nourse, Mark

Bus Driver


Obray, Jessica

Bus Driver


Olson, Melissa

Special Education Bus Driver


Palmer, Kristine

Bus Driver


Paradis, Emily

Transportation Administrative Assistant


Parker, Kerry

Bus Driver


Piccolo, Annette

Sub Bus Driver


Pike, Lisa

Special Education Bus Driver


Post, Dixie

Sub Bus Driver


Prince, Megan

Bus Driver


Rasmussen, Zachary

Bus Driver


Reuther, Hailey

Sub Bus Driver


Riggs, Tamara

Special Education Bus Paraprofessional


Robison, Angela

Special Education Bus Driver


Rodriguez, Hailee

Bus Driver


Sacco, Hugh

Bus Driver


Sanders, Jacob

Fleet Technician


Saxton-NotUsed, Amy

Special Education Substitute Bus Aide


Schauerhamer, Steven

Bus Driver


Schauerhamer, Suzanne

Special Education Bus Paraprofessional


Schmidt, Thomas

Bus Driver


Schofield, Jordan

Bus Driver


Seager, Kiersha

Bus Driver


Shelton, Dana

Bus Driver


Short, Paul

Sub Bus Driver


Shupe, Laurie

Sub Bus Driver


Skeen, Merrill

Bus Driver


Slater, John

Bus Driver


Smith, Kelley

Sub Bus Driver


Smith, Richard

Bus Driver


Smith, Sarah

Bus Driver


Snell, Eric

Bus Driver


Snow, John

Bus Driver


Snow, Paul

Bus Driver


Solum, Michael

Bus Driver


Spencer, Kelly

Bus Driver


Steed, Justin

Bus Driver


Stephens, Russell

Bus Driver


Stevenson, Eric

Bus Driver


Stewart, Alisa

Bus Driver


Stewart, Blake

Bus Driver


Stitt, Roger

Bus Driver


Stone, William

Sub Bus Driver


Strand, Deborah

Sub Bus Aide


Sullivan, Flint

Fleet Technician


Summerill, Jennifer

Bus Driver


Tams, Mckinzie

Substitute Bus Driver


Tanner, Michelle

Bus Driver


Taylor, Joelee

Bus Driver


Teasdale, Brandon

Bus Driver


Thomas, Lexie

Bus Driver


Thompson, Joanne

Bus Driver


Thompson, Tami

Route Coordinator


Thorpe, Lonnie

Special Education Bus Driver


Thurgood, Shawnell

Bus Driver


Tolman, Kent

Sub Bus Driver


Tolman, Tracey

Bus Driver


Turnbow, Lavon

Bus Driver


Turnbow, Orvel

Bus Driver


Vanderkooi, Jennifer

Sub Bus Driver


Waddoups, Lisa

Bus Driver


Wade, Tracy

Sub Bus Driver


Wadman, Jeffrey

Sub Bus Driver


Wahlstrom, David

Special Education Bus Driver


Walton, Barbara

Bus Driver


Warner, David

Substitute Bus Driver


Wayment, Cody

Bus Driver


Wessler, Scott

Bus Driver


West, James

Bus Driver


Westergard, Megan

Bus Driver


Wheatley, Maxine

Bus Driver


Wheatley-NotUsed, Debra

Sub Bus Driver


Whimpey, Kim

Sub Bus Driver


Whitaker, Holly

Bus Driver


Williams, Chris

Bus Driver


Wolfley, Heath

Sub Bus Driver


Worthen, Paul

Fleet Technician


Yearsley, Sherice

Bus Driver


Young, Nichole

Bus Driver