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Wednesday, 19 December 2018 13:32

Bonneville Food Drive

Our Thanksgiving Food Drive at Smith's, Fresh Market, and Macey's. HOSA, LIA, MESA, DECA, NHS, FFA, and student body came together to collect donations. Students then sorted, organized, and divided out the food. We had plans to feed between 20-25 families for Thanksgiving, and in the end we fed about 30 families from 6-7 of the schools in our cone.

Wednesday, 05 December 2018 10:17

December Rockstars

December Rockstar Megan BarrattDecember Rockstar Arne Erisoty

December Rockstar Sheree BjerregaardDecember Rockstar Melissa Powell

December Rockstar Angela Larsen

Monday, 03 December 2018 10:20

December 2018 Superintendency Message

A message from Assistant Superintendent Kevin Sederholm:

Happy Holidays.

What a great time of year, the season of giving. One of the benefits of working in the District Office is to hear all of the marvelous acts of kindness and giving that go on throughout our educational community. Here are a couple of examples that have brightened my holiday season so far:

  1. The Christmas Tree Jubilee. I have written about this before but I never cease to be amazed at the giving of talents, time and money during this event. So many children from the Weber School District benefit from this event. Hats off to Emily Oyler and her incredible team from the Foundation and countless volunteers that make this event happen.
  1. Bethani Zimmerman is being recognized in the December Board Meeting for the District Volunteer Award. As a 5th and 6th grade student at Freedom Elementary, Bethani would give up her lunch and other recess times to go and volunteer at the Severe Unit at the school. Bethani helped children with various disabilities and behaviors, some of which were extreme. There were even instances that some of that behavior was directed at her. That never stopped Bethani from showing up each day to help these students.  Bethani’s example has inspired me and I’m sure others during this time of year.

There are many other examples of goodness in our community going on at this time. It’s what makes the holiday season so special. May you all have a wonderful Christmas Season.

 Fremont High School teacher Kristen Morey, was awarded English Teacher of the year by the Utah Council of Teachers of English at their annual conference on November 9th. This is a great honor for Kristen, Fremont and the Weber District.

Monday, 12 November 2018 10:15

Medication Policy and Procedures


References: Utah Code Ann. §26-41-101, et. seq.
Utah Code Ann. §53G-9-501, et. Seq.


Weber School District seeks to ensure all students are safe at school. It is the intent of Weber School District that all students who need medication at school are able to receive such medication, and that the administration of medication to students complies with state and federal law. The policy also ensures immunity from liability for authorized personnel.


It is Weber School District’s policy to allow medication to be administered at school under certain conditions. Personnel and students may store, carry, and/or administer medication in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy. School personnel will not honor Do Not Resuscitate Orders at school or school activities.


a) Prescription medications: a pharmaceutical drug that legally requires a medical prescription to be dispensed.
b) Over-the-counter medication: any medication that can be purchased without a prescription from a licensed medical provider. This includes alternative, herbal, or homeopathic substances.
c) School personnel: any person, 18 years or older, who is employed by Weber School District and assigned to a school in the district.
d) School sponsored activity: an activity, field trip, class, program, camp, or clinic that is sponsored by Weber School District
e) Seizure rescue medication: a medication, prescribed by a prescribing health care professional, to be administered as described in a student's seizure rescue authorization, while the student experiences seizure activity.


a) All arrangements for school personnel to administer medication at school are to be made only with the school principal or designated personnel.
b) In addition to the specific procedures for certain medications set forth in the Procedures attached to this Policy, prescription and/or over-the-counter medication may be administered to a student by school personnel only if:

i) The student’s parent or legal guardian has provided a completed, current, signed and dated “Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medication” form providing for the administration of medication to the student during regular school hours (This request must be updated at the beginning of each school year (within the 1st ten school days) and whenever a change is made in the administration of medication); AND
ii) The student’s licensed medical provider has also signed and dated the “Authorization of School Personnel to Administer Medications” form stating the name, method of administration, dosage, and time to be given, the side effects that may be seen in the school setting from the medication, and a statement that administration of medication by School Personnel during the school day is medically necessary; AND
iii) The medication is delivered to the school by the student’s parent/guardian, or authorized adult. A one week’s supply or more is recommended; AND
iv) The medication is in its original container, clearly labeled with the student’s name and dose. Prescription medication must be properly labeled by a pharmacy. Medication improperly labeled on the container cannot be accepted and/or administered to the student.

c) The side effects of a medication shall determine if the drug is appropriate to delegate its administration to school personnel. Any medication with known, frequent side effects that can be life threatening shall not be delegated. Medications that require the student’s heart rate, blood pressure, or oxygen saturation to be obtained before, during, or after administration of the drug shall not be administered by school personnel.
d) Narcotic pain medication may not be brought to school, kept at school, nor administered by school personnel.
e) All medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) specified in a student’s IEP, Health Care Plan, or 504 accommodation plan will be administered as outlined in the relevant plan.
f) Administration of medication by school personnel may be discontinued by the school at the school’s discretion any time after notification to the parent/guardian.

i) Discontinuation of administration of medication by school personnel is appropriate under either of the following circumstances:

(1) The parent/guardian has been non-compliant with this Policy; or
(2) The student has been non-compliant with this Policy by refusing medication repeatedly or continued resistance to respond to school personnel for administration of medication at the appointed time

ii) If a student has a 504 or an IEP, the school’s determination to discontinue administration of medication for the above reasons may only occur after meeting with the student’s parent/legal guardian.

g) School personnel will not be required to administer medical cannibas or any derivative thereof, or CBD oil, lotion, or other form of CBD product, to students at school. Students who wish to bring and self-administer CBD products containing zero amounts of THC to school must allow school personnel to store the CBD product in a locked health medication drawer.


a) If a student’s parents and medical provider sign and return the appropriate individualized health care plan, and if applicable, associated medical orders, any student with the requisite maturity and competency, as determined by the health plan team or 504 team, may possess and self-administer the following:

i) inhalers
ii) epinephrine auto-injectors
iii) diabetes medication

b) Except for what is provided in 5)a), students in grades kindergarten through grade 6 may not possess or self-administer any other medications. Students needing medications described in 5)a)i) through iii) must have an individualized health care plan.
c) In addition to 5)a), students in grades 7 through 12 may possess and self-administer medication under the following circumstances:

i) The student may only carry one day’s dosage of medication, excluding narcotics; and
ii) The student has the requisite maturity and competency as determined by the health plan team or 504 team; and
iii) For 5)a)i) through iii), a student must also have an individualized health care plan.

d) Students who possess medication not prescribed, or medication not properly labelled, or in Elementary school, medication not listed in 5)a)i) through iii) may be subject to discipline according to policy 5200.


a) Each school in Weber School District will comply with the following obligations under this Policy regarding administration of medication to students at school:

Riverdale Elementary held its Fall Literacy kickoff. Students attended presentations with noted Utah author Lance Conrad! Mr. Conrad spoke to parents at the Literacy Night about the importance of literacy and said it is okay to let children struggle. He also reminded them the importance of making reading enjoyable especially if they are struggling and to let them see you reading, read to them and have the children read to parents. Lance Conrad won Best of State in 2017 and just finished his fifth novel, Prince of Survival.
After Mr. Conrad spoke to parents, parents were able to learn about dyslexia from Donna Pond. Ms. Pond gave suggestions to help struggling students including how to help with phonemic awareness, connecting sounds to letters, and struggling to write.
The students were with their teachers during the parent presentations, engrossed in literature adventures! 
Riverdale Elementary held its Fall Literacy Kickoff
Student work at station at Riverdale Elementary Fall Literacy Kickoff

(1) It is a discriminatory or prohibited employment practice to take an action described in Subsections (1)(a) through (g).

(a) (i) An employer may not refuse to hire, promote, discharge, demote, or terminate a person, or to retaliate against, harass, or discriminate in matters of compensation or in terms, privileges, and conditions of employment against a person otherwise qualified, because of:

(A) race;
(B) color;
(C) sex;
(D) pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy-related conditions;
(E) age, if the individual is 40 years of age or older;
(F) religion;
(G) national origin;
(H) disability;
(I) sexual orientation; or
(J) gender identity.

Thursday, 01 November 2018 09:51

November 2018 Superintendency Message

A message from Superintendent Jeff Stephens:

This fall marks a rather momentous time in our district's history. Four of our schools (Wahlquist, Orion, North Ogden Elementary and Lakeview Elementary) now have the technology to provide personalized instruction and learning for every student! Some school districts refer to this as a "one-to-one" computer initiative in schools. Each student in these four schools was issued a chromebook computer of their own. Just a few short years ago, a personalized instruction and learning model through technology in our district seemed out of reach. In fact, we were encouraging students to bring their own device in order to increase access to technology. However, due to investments from the legislature, as well as increased funding from School Trust Lands and community councils willing to dedicate some of that funding toward technology, achieving our goal of utilizing technology to personalize instruction and learning in our schools has become attainable.

The excitement is not that every student has their own computer. Rather, it is the enriched teaching and learning that occurs with this infusion of technology. For example, at Orion Junior High, language arts teacher Ashley Marks described a virtual field trip that her students experienced touring a plantation home and the Creole lifestyle around New Orleans prior to reading Lois Duncan's Locked in Time. "It has completely transformed my classroom from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional learning space," Ashley explained. LeAnn Jensen's 8th grade U.S. History class was in the hall where she had set up QR codes for her students to scan. Each QR code would link to a website, document or brief video on a Revolutionary War topic. Students worked in teams and were highly engaged as they learned of the Battle at Breed's Hill, the siege of Boston, and significant events at Lexington and Concord. LeAnn said, "I love that my classes are so interactive now."

At North Ogden Elementary, 5th grade teacher Jake Burnett explained his initial concern was the potential for decreased interaction with students due to increased computer time. He has witnessed just the opposite. Using Nearpod, Jake and his students explored Delicate Arch, observing first-hand the erosion of these monuments. In my visit to Jake's class, students were working in teams using the online review tool Quizlit. Students were highly engaged in what otherwise could have been a routine activity. Amy Filiaga's 4th grade class was augmenting language arts with ReadWorks. Amy had seen some bullying behavior and was counteracting with an on-line auxiliary text called, "Cool to Be Kind."

Wahlquist Ed Tech Coach Matt Winters described outstanding applications of technology by teachers including a virtual archeology dig in Jackie Acosta's history class, as well as the design of slope ramps in Brent Bourgeous' math class using Spheros. I loved hearing Melissa Judkins tell me about how students in her FACS class used Google Sites to create podcasts, video commercials or websites applying their knowledge of child development theory and essential elements of school readiness.

Mrs. Oliva's 4th grade class at Lakeview Elementary enthusiastically shared how they are using Zearn Math to build procedural fluency and accuracy. Then, I met a young boy who had just moved into our country several weeks earlier as a non-English speaker. He was rapidly acquiring vocabulary and language skills using Imagine Learning on his chrome book. When I asked how he was enjoying school, a bright smile lit up his face!

This model of utilizing technology to provide personalized instruction and learning is happening right now in Weber School District. Four additional schools will come on board in January, with even more schools in the near future. The potential for technology to revolutionize teaching and learning is only limited by the boundaries we establish. I applaud innovative, courageous teachers who are willing to think creatively as they discover ways to enhance learning for students. It truly is an historic time!

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