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Wednesday, 01 August 2018 09:46

August 2018 Superintendency Message

A message from Superintendent Jeff Stephens:

Champion for Children

We begin each school year by welcoming dozens of new teachers to our district and into this great profession. This year, for example, more than 100 new teachers will begin their career in the Weber School District. We welcome these outstanding young educators and recognize the enthusiasm and innovation that they bring with them. As a principal, I was always eager when we hired new teachers because I knew that their excitement was contagious among students and staff alike.

New teachers help us remember why we entered the profession in the first place. Several of our new teachers recently shared their thoughts with me as they prepare for their first year in the classroom. Matt Brown, who will teach biology at Roy High School, talked about a former high school teacher and coach who spent time, effort and even money helping him to be the best that he could be on and off the field. Matt said, "He taught me lessons that I took with me into life that still impact me now nearly ten years later. He exemplified what it meant to be a role model and a teacher. He is the reason I became a teacher. "Matt then expressed that it is his goal to have the same influence for good on students in his school. He stated, "I feel teaching and coaching is the one way to impact and truly change lives and the trajectory of lives in a meaningful way."

Katie Arave, who will teach 4th grade at Farr West Elementary School, talked about the many reasons that she selected teaching as her chosen profession. "But the core reason," Katie articulated beautifully, "really comes down to the fact that I want to be a champion for children." Katie told me that what she most anticipates as she enters her first year as a teacher is building strong relationships with her students. "I am excited to make the connections that will gain the students' trust and respect," Katie expressed, "which in turn will lead to deep and amazing learning opportunities."  

Kelsie Garrard has been hired to teach 3rd grade at Roosevelt Elementary. Kelsie reflected, "Looking back in my life, the people that had the biggest positive impact on me were my dearest teachers. They taught me major life skills like hard work, optimism, integrity and how to build and keep healthy friendships." Kelsie is determined "to be the role model that my teachers were to me and pay it forward."  

Matt, Katie and Kelsie remind each of us why we work in Weber School District! Regardless of our role or position, we have the opportunity to touch lives for good. This will be an exceptional year because Weber School District has devoted, caring adults who are persistent in their efforts to help children. On behalf of the Weber School District Board of Education, we wish each of you an exceptional and successful school year.

Download the CTE Pathways Brochure

All courses that are needed to complete the following pathways are available through the district. You may also be a pathway concentrator in several pathways not listed.

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

  • Food Science, Dietetics, and Nutrition
  • Plant Science
  • Animal and Veterinary Science
  • Agricultural Production Systems

Architecture & Construction

  • CAD Architectural Design
  • Interior Design

Arts, Audio/Visual Technology & Communications

  • Fashion Apparel and Textiles Broadcasting
  • Audio/Visual Production Professional
  • Broadcasting Professional Graphic Design & Communication
  • Commercial Art
  • Commercial Photography
  • Digital Media

Your Bridge to the Future. CTE Pathways CTE Desktop Guide

Business, Finance & Marketing

  • Accounting and Financial Operations
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Office/Administrative Support
  • Marketing and Sales

Education & Training

  • Pre-K: Childhood Education
  • K-12 Education as a Profession

Engineering & Technology

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • CAD Mechanical Design
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Health Science Clinical Laboratory Science

  • Biotechnology
  • Medical Forensics
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Nursing Services

Therapeutic Clinical Services

  • Exercise Science/Sports Medicine

Hospitality & Tourism

  • Culinary Arts
  • Hospitality and Tourism

Information Technology

  • Programming and Software Development
  • Web Development

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Public Safety & Law Enforcement

  • Protective Services Manufacturing
  • Welding 

Advanced Manufacturing

  • Cabinetmaking/Millwork
  • Machine Tool

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Automotive

  • Service Technician

Each Pathway has required foundation courses and elective courses needed for completion. Students who successfully obtain 3.0 credits in a specific career pathway will receive a CTE Pathway Recognition Award and Certificate. Students who obtain 1.5 credits are considered a concentrator in that pathway. (Pathways may vary from school to school within the Weber School District.)

Career & Technical EducationCareer & Technical Education

1CTE Pathways Reference GuideCTE Pathways Reference Guide10 MB3921 times
2CTE Pathways Brochure - SpanishCTE Pathways Brochure - Spanish3.51 MB2196 times
3CTE Pathways BrochureCTE Pathways Brochure15.33 MB5329 times
4CTE Concurrent Enrollment Brochure SpanishCTE Concurrent Enrollment Brochure Spanish3.32 MB1841 times
Thursday, 19 July 2018 00:11

Dear Weber School District Families

We are very pleased to announce as of July 2018, Weber School District will now offer an online Free/Reduced Meal Application submission process. The online application submission is accessed by the guardian logging into and click on the header Students and select Meal Application from the drop down.



      1. Nutrition Promotion Goals
        1. Students will receive consistent nutrition messages throughout the school, classroom, cafeteria, home, community and media. Schools will consider the use of USDA’s Team Nutrition posters/resources to display such messages.
        2. The District will use Smarter Lunchroom’s strategies to encourage healthy food consumption and reduce food waste. (
        3. The District will consider the use of taste tests for nutritional items.
        4. Schools will promote farm to school activities and will consider inviting local farmers to talk about the produce they grow, or plan field trips to farms.
        5. The District Food Service Department will promote limiting the use of processed foods and increase the use of basic fresh foods that emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy foods which are low in fat, added sugars and sodium (Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010).
        6. Schools will allow adequate time for breakfast and lunch. (Target: 15 minutes for lunch once seated) and assure adequate facilities for each student to eat sitting down in the cafeteria.
      2. Nutrition Education Goals

STEM experience at manufacturing

STEM experience at manufacturing

Career and Technology Education (CTE) and Kimberly Clark teamed up to provide a great STEM experience at their manufacturing facility in Ogden. Students learned about manufacturing, problem solving, creativity, automation and robotics. Also discussed were employment opportunities in Manufacturing. We want to thank Kimberly Clark  for the great learning experience.

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