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Monday, 06 December 2021 08:07

Covid-19 FAQs for Students & Parents 2022-23

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How can I report that my student has tested positive or been exposed to Covid-19?

Please use our school notification form to submit your student’s Covid-19 test information. The school notification form can be found by scanning the QR code below or clicking here: Covid-19 Student Reporting Form.

Student Covid-19 Reporting Form

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Infected people have had a wide range of symptoms reported – from mild symptoms to severe illness. Students may display one or several of these symptoms:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

What should I do if my student has symptoms of Covid-19?

Please keep your student home from school until you can determine if they should be tested for Covid-19. If you determine that they have Covid-19, please keep them home for 5 days after their symptom date. If they are fever-free and their symptoms have improved after 5 days, they can return
to school with a mask for the next 5 days.

What should I do if my student tests positive for Covid-19?

Please keep your student home from school. Notify the school that your student has tested positive. Keep your student home for at least 5 days after their first symptom date. If your student is fever-free after 5 days and their symptoms have improved, they may return to school and wear a mask through day 10. Symptom date is considered day zero. For example, if they started having symptoms on a Wednesday, you would keep them home 5 more days, and they could return to school the following Tuesday as long as their symptoms have improved. They would then wear a mask at school that Tuesday through Friday.

What should I do if my student is exposed to Covid-19?

If the student has no symptoms of Covid-19, they may attend school as usual. The health department recommends wearing a well-fitting mask and watching for symptoms for 10 days. If a student has been exposed to Covid-19 and they start showing any symptoms, they should isolate at home and get tested.

How do I get help determining when my student can return to school?

You can contact your student’s school with questions, or contact Ashley Blake, WSD Covid Coordinator at . When should I keep my student home? Please keep your student home if they have a fever of 100.4 or higher, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and pains, cough (not related to asthma), or a new loss of sense of taste or smell.

Will I be notified if my student was exposed at school?

Weber School District will not be contact tracing for the 2022-23 school year. If that changes, parents will be notified.

How will my student do schoolwork if they have to isolate at home due to Covid-19?

If your student has to isolate at home due to a Covid-19 case, please inform your student’s school. Your student will be listed as “Online Schooling” for the 5 days that they will be home. Students should check their classwork daily via the Canvas courses and do any course work they can.
Communication with teachers is extremely important as the teachers will be able to work through issues with students as needed.

Can my student test out of isolation?

No. A student who has tested positive is considered infectious for 5 days from their symptom onset date and must isolate at home for the full 5 days. There is no option to test out of isolation, even if you are feeling better, or have a negative test before the end of the 5-day isolation period. If the
student’s symptoms have improved, and they do not have a fever of 100.4 or higher, they may return to school after 5 days, but should wear a mask for 5 more days while at school.

Does my student’s school require a negative test in order for them to return to school after isolation or a home quarantine?

No. A negative test is not required to return to school after a student has tested positive or been exposed to Covid-19. Students with a positive test result are required to isolate at home for the full 5 days. They may return to school with a mask if they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours
without any fever-reducing medication and their other symptoms have improved.

Where can I take my student to get tested for Covid-19?

Visit for testing locations near you.

I still have questions about my student. Who should I contact?

Please contact the district Covid Coordinator, Ashley Blake, at .

Read 12393 times Last modified on Thursday, 15 September 2022 10:19
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