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Wednesday, 30 August 2017 00:00

History of Icons

History of Icons is a visual brief on icon history through different graphical user interfaces in different operating systems.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017 00:00


Get all the free stock images, videos, music, and icons in one location. All of the sites under Free Stock Photos offers images listed under the Creative Commons Zero license, so you are free to use these images in commercial projects. Free Stock Videos, Free Sound Effects, and Free Icons offer different licenses, it's a good idea to check the terms of use on each site before you use them.

Sunday, 27 August 2017 00:00

13 Writing Tips from JK Rowling

If you're an aspiring writer, then you know how hard it can be to stay focused, motivated, and inspired while trying to finish a book and get it published. Whether it be writer's block or rejection letters, you're bound to hit a wall at some point during the incredible yet painful process of creating, but whenever you find yourself ready to thrown your manuscript out the window, turn to these">writing tips from J.K. Rowling. After all, she knows a thing or two about writing a fantastical, bestselling series.

Monday, 28 August 2017 00:00


Webrecorder is both a tool to create high-fidelity, interactive web archives of any web site you browse and a platform to make those recordings accessible.

Saturday, 26 August 2017 00:00


Kingfisher is a visual mapping tool that helps individuals and teams understand, explain, and collaborate on complex information. Kingfisher works the way your brain does: by organizing parts that can be combined and connected to each other to form a complete picture.

Friday, 25 August 2017 00:00

All Tabs

This Chrome extension gives you a better way to manage your tabs. Copy tabs to share with others, open multiple URLs with one click, and more.

Thursday, 24 August 2017 00:00

The True Size

It is hard to represent our spherical world on flat piece of paper. Cartographers use something called a "projection" to morph the globe into 2D map. The most popular of these is the Mercator projection.

Every map projection introduces distortion, and each has its own set of problems. One of the most common criticisms of the Mercator map is that it exaggerates the size of countries nearer the poles (US, Russia, Europe), while downplaying the size of those near the equator (the African Continent). On the Mercator projection Greenland appears to be roughly the same size as Africa. In reality, Greenland is 0.8 million sq. miles and Africa is 11.6 million sq. miles, nearly 14 and a half times larger.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017 00:00

Solar Eclipse Photos

These are some breathtaking photos from the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017.

Monday, 21 August 2017 13:46

Boundary Maps

2024-25 Boundary Map

To search for your address, click the magnifying glass icon in the lower right portion of the map screen.

Elementary Boundary Map

2024-25 Elementary Boundaries

Junior High Boundary Map

2024-25 Junior High Boundaries

High School Boundary Map

2024-25 High School Boundaries

Monday, 21 August 2017 07:18

Walking Tips

Tips for Walking Safely to School

Walking is fun, but you need to be safe while doing it. Follow these tips to make sure you get to and from school without any problems.

Walk together

Younger children should always walk with an adult. Tell your parents that walking is great exercise and a nice way to spend time together. If your parents say that you can walk to school on your own, remember these tips:

  • Walk with a friend when possible.
  • Ask your parents to help you pick a safe route to school; one that avoids dangers.
  • Stick to the route you picked with your parents. Don’t let friends talk you into shortcuts that are more dangerous.
  • When you are near the street, don’t push, shove, or chase each other.
  • Never hitchhike or take rides from people not arranged by your parents.
  • Talk to your parents and teacher about any bullying that may happen during your walk.

Be seen

Remember, drivers may not be able to see you well. Always wear bright-colored clothes and if it is dark or hard to see, carry fl ashlights or wear refl ective gear.

Look for traffic

Watch out for cars and trucks at every driveway and intersection on your walk to school. Look for drivers in parked cars. They may be getting ready to move.

Cross the street safely

  1. Stop at the curb or edge of the street.
  2. Look left, right, left and behind you and in front of you for traffi c.
  3. Wait until no traffi c is coming and begin crossing.
  4. Keep looking for traffi c until you have fi nished crossing.
  5. Walk, don’t run across the street.

Obey traffic signs, signals and adult school crossing guards For more resources and information on Safe Routes to School, please visit the National Center for Safe Routes to School Web site at:

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