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Friday, 23 June 2017 08:15

Meal Prices

Meal Prices for 2021-2022 - All Students 1st meal Lunch & Breakfast will be FREE

Download the 2021-2022 Meal Prices as a pdf

  Lunch Prices Breakfast Prices
Per Meal Elementary Jr High High School Elementary Jr High High School
Paid $1.85 $2.30 $2.30 $1.25


Reduced $0.40 $0.40 $0.40 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30
1st Quarter - 46 days            
Paid $85.10 $105.80 $105.80 $57.50 $69.00 $69.00
Reduced $18.40 $18.40 $18.40 $13.80 $13.80 $13.80
2nd Quarter - 46 days            
Paid $85.10 $105.80 $105.80 $57.50 $69.00 $69.00
Reduced $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $13.50 $13.80 $13.80
3rd Quarter - 44 days            
Paid $81.40 $101.20 $101.20 $55.00 $66.00 $66.00
Reduced $17.60 $17.60 $17.60 $13.20 $13.20 $13.20
4th Quarter - 44 days            
Paid $81.40 $101.20 $101.20 $55.00 $66.00 $66.00
Reduced $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50
Adult Meals $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $2.25 $2.25 $2.25

2nd Meals cost $3.50 each for everyone - The Federal Government does not reimburse 2nd meal

North Fork Meal Prices 2021-22

Per Meal Elementary Jr High High School
 Paid $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
Reduced $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
Free $3.00 $3.00 $3.00
Adult Meals $4.00 $4.00 $4.00

Payment Options

There are three ways to purchase school meals.

Pay Online

Pay for your student's lunch online with your credit card. The service is easy to use, convenient, private and secure. You will need to open an account using your student's ID Number. After payment your will receive an immediate receipt by email.

Login to myWeber

Pay By Check

Make check payable to (School Name) and bring the check to the Food Service Manager's Office. A local address and phone number are required to be either printed or handwritten on the check. The student(s) full name and grade are required on the check memo line.

Pay With Cash

Cash may be brought to the Food Service Manager's office before school begins for deposit on the student's account, or students may pay cash daily through the serving line.



Thursday, 22 June 2017 07:25

Unpaid Meal Charges Procedure


The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program that provides students a wellbalanced meal each day. All student meals are partially reimbursed by the National School Lunch Program when the household does not qualify for a free meal. Parents of children who do not qualify for the free meal benefit are required to make payments to the student account only for the portion of the cost that is not reimbursed by the National School Lunch Program.

The Unpaid Meal Charges Procedure is written to outline how Weber School District will communicate to parents/guardians about the process for managing unpaid meal charges on student accounts, the procedure for collecting balances that are negative, and to assure parents that no student should be embarrassed or confronted in collecting delinquent account balances.

Policy Information:

This policy will apply to all schools that participate in the National School Lunch Program within the Weber School District boundaries.

When a new student transfers into a school within the district, parents will receive the following information from the school:

  • Prices of school meals
  • Parent options to provide payment for school meals
  • Application for free or reduced meal pricing benefits
  • Information of collection procedures for delinquent lunch accounts

This information is available to all students.

Free/Reduced Benefit:

Weber School District Child Nutrition Department offers online access for the free and reduced benefit for the federally assisted meal. All applications will be available to families after July I, of the approaching school year. Child Nutrition also provides each school site applications to distribute to all new students. Applications can also be downloaded from after July 1, of the approaching school year. The completed application can be e-mailed to or faxed to 801-476-7952.

Families may be eligible to receive benefits from Special Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Utah TANF/FEP, or FDPIR. If the student is eligible, this benefit is automatically updated in our "School Lunch At Weber" (SLAW) program. Child Nutrition will send a letter to the household informing parents of the student's eligibility. Any family qualifying for these benefits do not need to submit a free/reduced application form.

Payment Options:

Parents have the option of paying student lunch accounts by bringing cash or check to the lunchroom at the school. Payments can also be made at the office. Online payments can be made at   

Delinquent Accounts:

  • Prior notification:
    Child Nutrition will notify parents by e-mail when the account balance is low.
  • Students leaving current school:
    When students transfer to another school within the district, move out of the district, or complete their 6th and 9th grade school year, payment of any negative balance is required. Negative balances will not be forwarded to another school. All negative lunch accounts must be paid at check-out.
  • Procedure for Collections:
    The CNP manager of each school will make attempts to collect the negative balance by making phone calls to parents acknowledging the student lunch account is delinquent.

During each quarter, if the negative balance is greater than $10.00 and payment is not received within one week, the office will send a letter home to the parent/guardian with available payment plan options.

If the negative balance is greater than $20.00 and payment is not received or a payment plan has not been established within 10 days, another letter will be sent home from the office notifying the parent/guardian that the deficit amount is being sent to collections.

If payment is not received or a payment plan is not established within 10 days and an individual student has a negative balance greater than $30.00, the account will be referred to collections by the administration. Any family with an aggregate negative balance greater than $50.00 at a single school, will also be referred to collections by the administration.

Refund Procedure:

All balances in a student's account will roll into the next year.

After graduation, any balance in a senior's account or if a student leaves Weber School District, the remaining balance will be transferred into a siblings account. If there is not a sibling in the district, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian notifying them of the remaining balance, and a request may be made for any refund at the school. If the parent/guardian does not request a refund by the end of the same calendar year, the unclaimed balance will be donated to students in need.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider

Thursday, 25 May 2017 00:00

Stock Market Simulator

Have you thought about buying stock in a certain company but just didn't have the cash to make a trade? Or perhaps you heard news about a company and though to yourself that the stock price was poised to rise? Or maybe have you have always just wanted to know more about picking stocks? Thanks to virtual stock exchange technology, stock market simulators (aka stock market games) that let you pick securities, make trades and track the results, all without risking a penny. This can be a useful simulator for learning and teaching about how the market works. Start with $100,000 in virtual cash and put your trading skills to the test!

Wednesday, 24 May 2017 00:00


Proofread your text and check for repetitive words, passive voice, cliches, readability issues, and more. DraftMap also comes with an extension to proofread your Gmail messages before you send them.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017 00:00

A Day in the Life of Americans

This is a visual simulation of 1,000 people's average day. It's based on 2014 data from the American Time Use Survey, made accessible by the ATUS Extract Builder.

West Haven Elementary shows their support for the  American Cancer Society by hosting their annual Hawk Walk. West Haven students walked in this mini Relay for Life and America First donated $5.00 for every student who walked between 7:00 and 8:00 AM. In addition to walking for a cure, students collected donations from family and friends. The Hawk Walk concluded with a survivors walk to honor our Hawks that have fought and beat cancer.   

Monday, 22 May 2017 07:28

ProStart I/II (11-12)

The ProStart® is a program of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation that introduces students to career opportunities in the restaurant and foodservice industry and provides them with foundational skills in culinary arts and restaurant management that will jump-start their post-secondary experience, in college and/or careers.

Students will be trained for career opportunities in the food service/culinary arts industry. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice safety and sanitation procedures, and to use and maintain commercial food service equipment. They will perform quantity food preparation as it relates to catering, bakery, restaurant, hospitality, and fast food business operations. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. Student leadership and competitive events (FCCLA) may be integrated into this course.

*Bonneville’s ProStart Culinary and Management teams were invited to the annual Utah Restaurant Association Awards Gala. It took place at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City. There they watched by the best restaurants chefs from around state. The Pro Start Culinary team won 3rd Place in Regionals. The Management team, won 2nd place in state. This students are well deserving for this honor. 


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