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Wednesday, 08 July 2020 07:47

Personal Protection & Hygiene Moderate Precautions K-12 Schools

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  1. All symptomatic children and employees should stay home from school, and will be sent home if exhibiting any symptoms.
  2. Designate the school nurse as the contact person to be responsible for responding to COVID19 concerns.
  3. Follow any other standards promulgated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Utah Department of Health, and local health department.


State Requirement:

  • Staff members trained on implementing strategies to identify and mitigate risk in the classroom setting

Additional Recommendations:

  • Strongly recommend cloth face coverings laundered after each day’s use
  • All staff wash or sanitize hands as they enter worksites 
  • Signs posted in highly visible locations that promote everyday protective measures
  • Students seated as far apart as reasonably possible
  • Students and staff encouraged to wash hands regularly
  • Hand sanitizing stations available in designated areas
  • Hand sanitizer available in each classroom
  • Students use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available
  • Adequate supplies provided to minimize sharing of high touch materials (e.g., art supplies, pencil sharpeners, crayons, manipulatives, glue sticks, etc)
  • Student’s belongings separated from others’ in individual containers, cubbies, etc.
  • Minimize drinking fountain access - personal water bottles encouraged.


State Requirement:

  • Students follow markings and/or signage for traffic flow
  • Students follow entry/exit flow patterns to minimize congestion
  • Face coverings required

Additional Recommendations:

  • Minimize drinking fountain access - personal water bottles encouraged
  • Encourage reasonable physical distancing
  • Doors propped to reduce touch points
  • Student use of backpacks encouraged
  • Students move directly from one class to another to avoid close contact with others

Entry and Exit Points/Parent, Guest and Volunteer Access to School

State Requirement:

  • Limit nonessential visitors and volunteers
  • Temperature check and face coverings for visitors and non-regular staff
  • Drop-off/pick-up protocols followed
  • Students follow flow paths to minimize congestion

Additional Recommendations:

  • Parents/guests/volunteers/substitutes must check in at the main office


State Requirement:

  • Students from the same household sit together
  • All students and staff wear face coverings (Student ages, range of disabilities, sensory sensitivities, and medical conditions should be considered.)

Additional Recommendations:

  • Students encouraged to wash or sanitize hands before entering bus/van


State Requirement:

  • Follow signage for proper hand hygiene
  • Face coverings required while in restrooms

Additional Recommendations:

  • Follow floor markings to encourage physical distancing


State Requirement:

  • Student hand hygiene routine practiced before and after meals
  • Students follow marked spaced lines and flow paths
  • No self-service salad bars or buffet for students
  • Staff use face coverings while serving and cleaning
  • Students required to wear face coverings while in lines

Additional Recommendations:

  • Students and staff maintain reasonable physical distancing
  • Payment using student I.D. card encouraged with prepaid money in student’s account - cash discouraged, cash payments made in the office
  • Lunch cashiers are the only ones to use touch screen monitors

Large Group Gatherings (Assemblies, Performances, Dances)

State Requirement:

  • Follow local health department guidelines
  • Face coverings required

Additional Recommendations:

  • Students, faculty, and guests take reasonable precautions to maintain physical distancing 

Unique Courses with Higher Risk of Spread (Choir, Band, Orchestra, Drama, CTE, etc.)

State Requirement:

  • Follow local health department guidelines
  • Face coverings required

Additional Recommendations:

  • Follow individual class guidelines

Recess, Playground and P. E. Classes

State Requirement:

  • Follow local health department guidelines
  • Face coverings are not required for elementary students during outdoor recess
  • If students cannot reasonably participate while wearing a face covering during a physical education class, face coverings need not be worn. (In this case, each individual participating in the physical education class must complete a symptom assessment, verbally confirm they are free of COVID-19 symptoms before participating in each event, and attest to the fact they have not been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with a person who has tested positive for COVID in the last 14 days, and where possible, confirm participant temperature is below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)

Additional Recommendations:

  • Students wash or sanitize hands when coming back into classroom
  • Activities will be limited to those that do not require physical contact

Special Education, Related Services, or School Counseling

State Requirement:

  • Face coverings required (Student’s age, range of disabilities, sensory sensitivity, and medical conditions should be considered)
  • Provide reasonable accommodations for students who are unable to wear face coverings

Additional Recommendations:

  • Follow district’s Special Education guidelines

Additional Areas of Concern:

Preschool/ Day Care

State Requirement:

  • Face coverings required, unless children are under the age of three (Student’s age, range of disabilities, sensory sensitivity, and medical conditions should be considered)


  • Proper safety precautions for students and staff in place
  • Seating arrangements to provide for physical distancing
  • No toys from home allowed
  • Students wash hands before and after snacks
  • Play areas limited based on the ability to sanitize play items ( i.e., dress-up, kitchen play center, sensory tables, etc.)

After-School Programs

State Requirement:

  • Face coverings required


  • Students and staff encouraged to wash hands regularly
  • Students use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available
  • Maintain reasonable physical distancing 
  • Students encouraged to wear face coverings when engaged in contact longer than 15 minutes
  • Minimize drinking fountain access - personal water bottles encouraged


State Requirement:

  • Follow all recommendations and requirements of the UHSAA for both high school and junior  high school athletics (temperature monitoring, hand washing, etc.) and the local health department.

Additional Recommendations:

  • Students and general public take reasonable precautions to maintain physical distancing
  • Concessions allowed following recommended guidelines by the health department
  • Concessions-- consider grab-and-go items instead of prepared food, those working concessions required to wear face coverings and gloves
  • Card payments encouraged 
  • Restrooms available

Driver’s Education

State Requirement:

  • Symptom check of all staff (once per shift) and students prior to entering the vehicle
  • Students and instructors wear face coverings while in vehicles
  • Reasonable physical distancing when not in the vehicle
  • Classroom Setting--students seated as far apart as reasonably possible
  • Students submit paperwork electronically to avoid handling and sharing of paperwork 
  • Students wash or sanitize hands before entering and after exiting vehicle

Back-to-School Nights/Parent Teacher Conferences

State Requirement:

  • Follow local health department guidelines
  • Face coverings required

Additional Recommendations:

  • Students and parents may meet with their teachers in the teachers’ classrooms
  • Students and parents take reasonable precautions to maintain physical distancing


State Requirement:

  • Follow local health department guidelines

Additional Recommendations:

  • Maintain reasonable physical distancing


 Health Office

 Parent Guidelines

  • Information for parents regarding signs and symptoms of COVID19, and when to keep their child home (see Parent Infographic)
Read 19859 times Last modified on Monday, 30 August 2021 09:21